I'm worried about our friend PEARL because she has stones in her bladder and is having emergency bladder surgery (just like our other friend Molly O'Mally did last week).
Just LOOK at me...can you tell I'm a worried mess????
The good news is that Molly O'Mally is doing just fine and we're confident that Pearl will be up to her old tricks again soon (like this...)
Happy Hump Day everyone and go visit Pearl and show her some love!
S-dog, you look really worried! We are pretty worried about sweet Pearlie-poo too! We're sending her lots of positive pug vibes!
Pug hugs and kisses,
The Pug Posse
You're the besht, Shalinger!
I just got outta shurgeryyyy and these pain pillsh are awezsomeeee!
Oh no, I am worried about Pearlie too. I hope the surgery is over really quickly and that it goes smoothly.
Your look of worry and concern is heart wrenching Salinger. With our support, Pearl will be up to no good in no time!!!
I see she has already discovered the wonders of pain pills!! =)
oh my goodness!
i did not hear about pearly! i am off to go and see her!
m & e
Wow are you talented. I can't stand on my hands, I will roll over. I don't have a round map only a flat one. Hope you found what you were looking for. We are off to wish Pearl the best
Benny & Lily
You don't do your business like that, do you? That could be dangerous☺
That is the best photo of a pug...the upside-down-pee position. That's awesome!
oh my - I hope those stones don't make her do that!!!
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