Hi everyone! We're a few days behind with posting (sorry!) but we wanted to share pics from last Saturday's March In the Pugs! Mom made us all get up at the butt-crack of dawn to drive over to Zionsville to work it for
First on the agenda was the actual MARCH of the rescued Pugs! All these sweeties have found homes though KPR and are now living in the laps of luxury (and peoples) like all Pugs should!

Holden helped "Pug-sit" for the PugPosse and walked GusGus and Eddie in the parade!

Here is Vikki (from the
Pug Posse) with Eli and their newest addition...ROMEO! That's Sam and Bernice behind Vikki.

Julie, Rita and Bill from The
Pug Corral with Reggie Wayne, Dallas Clark and their NEWEST KPR rescue...Payton Annie the Bugg!

Here's Heather from
Say It Don't Spray It (and my future MIL) with Low Rider Lola
Our assignment was to work the Puggy Bake Sale table full of homemade treats! I was an excellent salesman with Mom and Holden!

We also brought along a special guest.....

Yeah, we know he's not a Pug....but Frenchies are partners in smushfacedom, so we thought he might like some banana puppycakes!
He was WORKIN' that bake sale!

He worked the KISSING BOOTH too!!!!

He visited Annie and
Sarah working the Pug Health Zone table!

We thought it was VERY appropriate to feature Brutus with the Dental products, since his mommy is a dentist!
Brutus visited the auction table and scoped out the two most coveted items.....

A "PugNotes" original print from
Melissa and Emmitt (THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS!!!!)

and the SWEETEST little puggy outfit made by
Both items had a TON of tickets in the raffle bags! YAY! We aren't sure who won these (we had to leave after our shift) but we're sure both went to a very good home!
Mom thought this was pretty cool and said that it's the "two BRUTI" (plural of Brutus...duh!)
Brutus the Pug and Flat Brutus the Frenchie!
Mom took me to visit the
Royal Canin booth and thank them for making good food that doesn't make me hurl like my old food did!

Holden got REALLY creative and decided to do some MOBILE sales! He even wore mom's Puggy apron (from
Heather and Harry!) to make himself more visible!

His ingenuity and humiliation raked in quite a bit of $$! Yay Holden!
The HIGHLIGHT of our day had to be Daddy and I WINNING the "Pug/Owner LOOK ALIKE contest!!!"

It was pretty easy...Daddy just made his best "tragic face" and he was apparently a shoe-in for first place!!!!
We had a great time and loved that so many of our friends and fellow crazy Pug people came out to support KPR! THANK YOU EVERYONE! We see that KPR has a cool
Flicker album posted (click here) with MORE pics!
BTW....if you weren't able to attend, but have a big wad of money lying around (or even a very small wad of money!)...KPR can always use help for the many Puggies in it's care! Just
CLICK HERE and donate!
Happy Thursday everyone!
Check out the photo of Daddy and I from the Indy Star (newspaper!)