Hi fellow Pugs, other canines and their distinguished people!
I had the most wonderful time visiting with "Mimi" and Great Grandpa the last few days! Mimi is my grandma (Mommy's mom) but we call her "Mimi" because when Holden was a baby, he couldn't say "Grandma", so the name "Mimi" has stuck for her (I think she likes it better than Grandma anyway). She lives in Arizona, and it's always fun when we get to see her! She flew to Detroit to visit HER dad (Great Grandpa) and then they drove down here to see ME for a few days!
I got SO much attention and I loved snuggling up on Mimi's lap. She won't kiss me though...she says it's "yucky". Instead she holds her hands on my face and then kisses around them so I won't lick her. She's TOTALLY missing out!!!
It was Mimi's birthday on June 10th, so we celebrated with a BIG birthday cake and some presents! One of the presents was from ME! Mimi likes M&Ms, so I picked out a bunch of different kinds for her. I think she liked my present the best!

OOOOOOHHHHHH I wish I could eat these!!!! Mom said "NOT FOR PUGGIES!" Bummer!
I also helped Mimi open her other presents. She got a cool outfit to wear when she plays Pickleball (a sport they play in Arizona). Mommy thought it was cool that she picked out a GREEN outfit to go with PICKLEBALL!!!! (get it....PICKLE?) HAHAHA!

I'm a good present opener helper! OH...HI HOLDEN! Didn't see you hiding there!
I really like Mimi's lap. I spent a LOT of time there and I could tell she was TOTALLY digging it! Mommy keeps telling her that she and Pa (my grandpa) need to get a Pug too, but she just laughs and says "JUST what we need!"

EVERY lap is better with a PUG!
So after Mimi's birthday party, I tried to sit on Great Grandpa's lap, but he wasn't too happy about that. He thinks dogs only belong on farms (WHAAAAT?) and keeps laughing at all the smart stuff I can do! I can tell he adores me too, but he'll never admit it!

Here's Great Grandpa and me with Mommy
The next day, the humans all left for a while and went to a little garden store that sold a lot of overpriced tchochke CRAP that they didn't buy and then they went shopping at the new mall (Hamilton Town Center) that's RIGHT near our house! They have a Qdoba there and my PugBuddy Pugsley got to eat dinner there with his family a few weeks ago! I hope my family takes me there soon!
So the people came home and then mommy made dinner (beef stew). Mimi fed me some of the frozen peas! YUMMY!

NO WAY! Are those PEAS????????

So after my snack of frozen peas, I sprawled out on my purple monkey pillow so Mimi and Mommy could rub my tummy. I stayed that way for about 15 minutes and just relaxed while they gave me good tummy rubs.

Oh wow....TAG TEAM Tummy rubs!!!!!!

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO relaxed!!!!!!!!!!!
So in the middle of my massage, my silly brother Holden came bursting into the living room doing an impression of a character from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" (on Cartoon Network) and he had UNDERWEAR on his head! He is SO goofy! Mommy said she wouldn't be surprised if he wound up as a cast member on Saturday Night Live one day!

Look at this fool!!!!!!
After dinner we were sitting around the table and I was telling Daddy all about my day. Mommy took this picture of us and then we all laughed because we're TWINS and have the same expression on our faces! Daddy even has buggy eyes like I do!

He snores like me too!!!!!
The next morning I got up and saw something terrible.......LUGGAGE by the door! Oh NO! That only means one thing...someone is leaving!

Waaaaaaait a minute........I don't like the looks of this.......
Mimi told me that she and Great Grandpa had to leave that morning and get back to Michigan so they could do other fun things up there. I hated to hear that, but we did have breakfast together. I got to sit by Great Grandpa and read the newspaper with him!

It was the 26th...the day of my heartworm/tick pill...so I had it in some Peanut Butter! Yum!

Did you enjoy your breakfast, Great Grandpa????
I got a few more minutes on Mimi's lap before she had to go...

Then Mimi, Holden and Great Grandpa posed for one more picture with me before it was time for them to go...

I hated to see them leave, so I tried to block them on the way out!

NOPE...SORRY....You can't leave!!!!!!!!!!
Mimi and Great Grandpa had a safe trip back to Michigan and we hope Mimi has a nice rest of her trip before she goes back home to Pa in Arizona! I can't wait until October when Mimi and Pa are flying here to Indy to visit me!
OH...one other important thing for today (Friday June 27)...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE!!!!!!!!!! Today is my girlfriend's birthday!!!!!!! I wanted to get her a diamond collar and a day at the day spa, but Mommy said I can give her a kiss instead when I see her next weekend at our Pug Meetup! Pucker up Sophie! I'm gonna GETCHA!!!!!!!

This is my "alluring" face. What do you think?
Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!