I had the most exciting day yesterday! Mom and Holden took me to Mounds State Park to hike on the trails! The BEST part was that my PugMommy (Gertie) and my PugBrother (Bert) got to come with their people, Nancy (my mommy's friend) and her daughter Gracie (who has been friends with Holden since they were babies).
Here we are! All walking nicely together! Holden has Gertie, Nancy has Bert and Gracie has ME!
We saw LOTS of cool stuff! Mounds State Park is the site of an Indian Burial Ground. They had lots of fences up around anything we could have gotten into trouble for digging up!
We hiked down to the White River. Holden took some cool pictures!
Holden also took this pic...he's such a FUN-GUY (get it...FUNGI?....ANYONE? HELLO? Bueller? ;-)
We all posed for a group picture inside this cool shelter/bench/sculpture thing.
THEN we started the walk back to the car so we could have our picnic! THAT'S when things got interesting.......
FIRST off...Holden and Gracie aren't so much into the whole hiking thing. One would have believed they were near death because of their advanced stages of the following ailments (they were ALL mentioned at some point during the day)
1. Hunger
2. Thirst
3. EXTREME fatigue
4. Sore feet
5. REALLY sore feet
6. Possible bug bite
7. Fear of poison ivy
8. Twisted ankle
9. Hurt finger where a leash tugged
10. Doggie nail scratches
11. Lumbago (mom added this one for fun)
12. Gingivitis (Holden)
13. Erectile Dysfunction (Holden)...(remember...he's NINE)
Here are the Ailment Twins....Holden and Gracie. Oy Vay!
"OHHHHHHHHH, our aching backs!!!!!!!!"
We Pugs fared very well for the most part. We got lots of water breaks and rest breaks and mom had to carry Gertie back to the car because she was REALLY snorting and people were staring at us.
"WHATCHU LOOKIN' AT? I'm brachycephalic...SUE ME!"
All in all, we had a really nice day and will probably go back VERY soon! Mom is a big fall foliage freak and it's getting to be that time of year here in the Midwest!
Hopefully Holden's gingivitis will be better so he can come with us! HAHAHA!
OH...thanks to NEVIS for giving us this award!
We're so excited! It's the coolest thing we've ever won aside from $5 from a scratch off lottery ticket! Thanks Nevis! Crap...I think we were supposed to change the name at the bottom (since she's Mancidote). Mom is tired and says it's ok this way and everyone knows she's a tech tard anyway.
Good night all!
A Year in the Life of Noodles - 2020 Version
3 years ago