It seems this super awesome fellow PugMom (Hi Dusty!) interviewed the lady that developed something called REAR GEAR to cover up the "offensive" PUGANUS!!!

"No More Mr. Brown Eye"!!!!!!! LOLLLLLLLL!!!!
Now, Mom finds NOTHING wrong with my PugButt being exposed. In fact, you may remember that she did a whole tribute to my PugButt CLICK HERE to refresh your memory.

Now I ask you....Have you EVER seen a finer PugButt specimen??? I have a strict regimen of squats, thrusts, and various routines involving stretching and several massages daily to keep this booty in it's TOP physical form! No WAY would I dream of covering this up!
BUTT (hahaa...get it?)....HYPOTHETICALLY....if I were to wear a "Rear Gear" cover....we have some design ideas....

SO...what do you guys think? Fabulous fashion accessory OR offensive PugButt censorship????
Sal, there can only be one....the mushroom cloud, that would be appropriate.
*thud* my flat faced free ran and hid! I do think pretty little hearts would scar them for life and entertain me endlessly!
SalPuggy, this here is your good pal Howie. I would like to order three extry large rear gear gizmos, cuz every time I turn around at my house I gota a brown eye in my face. Not mentionin names or nuthin, Java, Annie and Hannah. I'm just sayin.
I think that this is Pugbutt censorship at it's worst! Show off that brown eye proudly, S-Dog!
what Wigglebutts said. can.not.breathe.
Hi Sal! I think its offensive PugButt censorship for sure! My Mum and Dad adore my beautiful Puggy Bottom, it should not be hidden under any kind of cute symbol at all it should be proudly exposed for all the worlds to see! If I HAD to choose anything though I would have a sticker that says "Your name" so I could tell everyone that I have your name on my butt! Heee,Heee! Love and Phugs Frank xxxxxxxx
Um SAL - it seems to me there is a bit of antiPUGism going on here. Our BUTT is exposed - SO WHAT! I do not see the need to cover up what nature gave me. . . it isn't indecent, it is just ME!!!!
BTW, I think the Atomic Bomb sign is appropriate for me following a significant amount of CHICKEN!!!
Love Noodles
Oh Salinger, you are too funny. And may I say that is a fine-lookin' butthole, my dear. No need for cover.
Hey Sal, mom went to a store once and saw a butt plug, but it wasn't for pugs! I like my "O" zone and feel proud to display it where ever I go. Mine is talented, it talks! Mom says it's not just me, but a "pug thing" Maybe we can get a symphony going!!
Hilarious! We really need that here
Benny & Lily
Salinger your butt looks strangly just like mine...we really do look alike! Anyways whats a pug if you can't see there butt?
As a web site owner I think the material here is really magnificent. I appreciate it for your time. You must maintain it and keep it up forever! Excellent work.
Sal this is most definitely offensive PugButt censorship!!! I am proud of my butt, I show it proudly and Mom just posted a pic of it the other day on my blog. I would never wear any kind of butt cover and deprive the world of my butt! Nope, no way! I am keeping my Brown Eye visible for all to enjoy!!!!
I love sniffing pug butts so I protest!!
Well, bud.....I guess tuh itch his own.
BUTT I would suggest ya not wear one o' those when ya go out clubbin'. Uh, you know.....the fellas might think ya mean "closed" or "no entrance" or somethin'. No whut I mean?
Thanks for the sweet comment you lefet on my blog yesterday.
Yay for Pug butts!
What??????? Ok, have to admit the dice is pretty hilarious. I would only get one if it was bedazzled. Bling bling baby. It would be like I was farting diamonds.
I say your butt is to fine to cover Sal. Wear your brown frown proudly.
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