It all started with Holden and his buddy while riding in the car...

They thought it would be FUNNY to stick sunglasses on my hiney! and dad did THIS to me when we got home and were playing!

You should have heard them laughing! Awful awful awful people!
Hysterics got the better of them and they ALL started scouring the house looking for things to hang from my PugButt! WTF is wrong with them?????

Fuzzy dice...
One of those shower net/dingleberry things...

ALL RIGHT...ENOUGH! This is beyond ridiculous!!!!

I had to start getting growly when I heard mom suggest we get some of the Christmas ornaments back out again! NO WAY LADY!
These people REALLY need some new hobbies!!!!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those photos are hilarious and priceless! You're so funny! And truly, it takes one pug owner to another to fully appreciate pug-butt.
*thud* Salinger.... DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, your parents really need to, as they say, get a life!! Oh the indignity of it all!!!!
hahaha i like to do that too cause Gus goes batshit crazy and chases his tail!!!! I do it too the cat too lol
BOL!!!!! Your peoples have outdone themselves!
Sal... I know that wasn't fun... but I SO needed that.
thanks for the laughs!
ROFLMAO! Your hoomans are possibly weirder than mine, Salinger, and that's saying something!
Ido think cabin fever has set in!!
Oh you have caused momma to laugh like a nut! Humans are crazy.
Benny & Lily
cute hiney
Oh Salinger!
Nobody wants a dingleberry! It's even worse that there's a picture of it! You have my sympathies!
BOL we feels for you Salinger! But too funny!!! We hope your hinney stays naked for awhile after this.
LOL!!! Salinger, you should model and get PAID for that! You do know that there are websites that feature your kind of talent... :^)
LMAO!!! Poor Salinger - in the words of Rodney Dangerfield "No Respect"
It's gotta be cabin fever!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Oh no! That's horrible!
They're just really bullying your butt! Maybe you should've retaliated with a beefy fart back at them!
Hi Salinger,
Oh my gosh...the things you are subjected to. Isn't it fun!?! That was hilarious. I love the sunglasses the best. You such a good sport! xo Diane
Sal dude! What were your peeps thinking? You should have farted all over them for hanging all those things on your butt. Payback's a bitch!
Stubby xoxo
BAaaahhh! Poor Salinger! We suggest you get your paws on some broccoli, eat large amounts. That will keep your family away from your butt.
OMG, you poor thing, Salinger. Have your parents left you NO dignity? No, I guess not. I feel for you, dude, I really do.
I lost my tail a long time ago...wanna trade?? I just have a little nubbie.
yer pal,
BOL! Gotta say - you live with a VERY creative fambly! They must have some leftover Sugar Plums dancing through their heads from Christmas.☺
Tee, hee, hee! Oh, Sal.....what WILL your peeps think up next?!
Licks -
ok, that has to be the funniest set of puggy photos! i love them! and salinger, that's why puggies have curly tails! to hold stuff to amuse your parents.
thanks buddy!
Oh my gosh!
LOL! You all just made my day!
still laughing over here!
m & e
I like your butt:)
I love u man!!!!
LOL wow those are INTENSE "dingleberries" BOL!!!!!!!!! An ornament would have been very... festive... maybe a rainbow? BOL
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