Mom wanted to post some of her favorite photos of him to help say goodbye.

Great Grandpa was a Corporal in the US Army during WWII! He drove a Jeep all over Europe and always had amazing stories to tell about his Army years.

Here is Great Grandpa holding Mom when she was just 5 months old (July 1970)
Fast forward 29 years and here is Great Grandpa holding his FIRST Great Grandchild...HOLDEN!

Mom and Great Grandpa both loved to play Scrabble...Mom especially loved to play with Great Grandpa because it was such a challenge!

She must be forgetting all the time she challenged his crazy long words and called him a "CHEATER!"!!!
Here is the first time Great Grandpa met me! I was still on the tiny side (I was only 4 months old!)

He always said that when he was a boy, dogs lived outside on the farm and he could never get over the fact that I sleep in the Big Cloud Bed with Mommy and Daddy!
Of course I had to KISS Great Grandpa just to make sure he knew how much I loved him!

He ACTED like he wasn't all excited about it...but Mom thinks he totally dug it!
We'll miss you Great Grandpa!!!
Morris Conrad
September 11, 1916 - January 23, 2010
So sorry for your loss :( Lovely post.
what an incredible life. Such a blessing to have these souls in our worlds and so so so unbearably hard to let them go. thank you for telling us all about him.
What a wonderful post about Great Grandpa.
A life well lived.
Such great memories he has left for you all - they will stay with your a lifetime.
Rest in peace Grandpa.
How wonderful that you got to share so much with your great-grandpa! Love that last photo - were you both yawning or yapping?? We see he was 94 years old, and it sounds like he had a rich life both home & abroad. A lovely way to pay tribute with such a nice post about him, So sorry for you loss.
Michelle & Brutus
I am so sorry to hear about your GREAT grandpa. He sounded pretty great, indeed.
Sending extra love to your momma today.
What a nice post...I'm sure you were his most favorite great-grand-dog!
oh what a beautiful post!
your family is so special. thank you for showing us snippets of great grandpa's amazing life with all of you.
i am sending you all my love.
melissa & emmitt
So sorry about Great Grandpa but what an amazing man!! Thinking of you and praying for you and your family!
We are very sorry for your loss. Great grandad looks like he was lots of fun.
Roxy & Lucky
Sal, we're sorry your great grandpa is gone but we believe he is on to bigger and better things.
How blessed was he to have lived a long and full life....and to have met YOU!
Sarah, Hank and Molly
I am so sorry!!
What a wonderful tribute to your great grandpa Salinger.
We are sooo sorry to hear about your great-grandpa:( Thank you for sharing your memories of him with us. That is a great way to honor him:)
I love you man!!
We really enjoyed your post and pictures of great grandpa. He got to live a full and long life, and celebrating his memory is such a gift you can give to him.
Thanks for sharing your memories about him with us.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Terribly sorry about your loss. If I may, I would like to remember your grandpa from the last photo. They were all beautiful and obviously hand picked with love, but the last one is so happy. Happy memories...
Your great grandpa sounded like he had a heart of gold.
We are sorry he had to go away,
What a nice tribute to him
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