Mom went to go see Great Grandpa. Lucky!!! Even though he thinks dogs ONLY belong on farms (WHAAAAAAT?) I think he secretly digs me!

Mimi (Mom's mom) flew in from AZ it was like a big party!

All this while I was sitting HOME...on my pillow...waiting for daddy to come home and feed me.

To make matters WORSE....Great Grandpa lives with Aunt Candy and Uncle Bill (Mimi's sister and bro in law) and they live RIGHT ON LAKE HURON!
Mom got her feet in the sand......

While I was HOME......on my pillow......

Here's another nice shot of mom....chillaxin' on Aunt Candy and Uncle Bill's deck...drinking her coffee and listening to waves

While I was HOME.....and (you guessed it!) ON MY PILLOW........

SO unfair!!!!!!!!!!!
All you got was a stinkin' PILLOW? You should have been given free range of the big bed!
Aww you poor thing Salinger.. you are soooo horribly neglected! :)
How many leftovers did your daddy feed while Mom was away? lol
Salinger you poor thing! Your mom should have driven you up here to hang out with me while she was gone. I would've let you hang with me on the sofa and bed - forget about the stinkin' pillow!
Stubby xoxo
Dude! That really blows. Did she brings you some treats to make up for the neglect? You wants me to call the SPCA? Or you could just come hang with me in the 'ham to get backs at her!
AAAAaawwwwww poor Salinger, your life is so hard. Mom's need to get away every now and then, so give her a break!
Look on the bright side - atleast you have a pillow.
I must say though Salinger - God broke the mold when he made your pug mug - it is by far the best out there!
I bet if Daddy was telling this story, there would be a different side. You neglected, I don't think so! Besides it is good to visit family. What a nice view of the lake!
hi salinger!
oh you look so cute on your pillow!
we are so glad your mom had a wonderful vacation. great pictures!
we missed you both!
m & e
Sal, buddy......I feel fer ya. I mope when my mom goes away....'cept I don't have "the tragic look" down as good as you!
Hi Salinger
Well for petes sake, you did not get to chill out on the lake too?
I am with you- its not fair!
But you are mighty cute on that HUGE pillow.
I know your mom had a good time
My word is ANTIE
Oh poor Salinger we need to upgrade your pillow!
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