Do you recognize her????

Would you believe that is CHLOE???? CLICK HERE to flash back just a few short months ago when she was a tiny puppy!!!
Jeez-O-Man! What in the world are they feeding her??? Miracle Gro???
Here we are sitting nicely for treats from mom

Holy crap...mom really needs to get her roots done again...I simply CANNOT have her walking around with me and having crazy lady hair like that!
Happy Hump Day everyone!
Holy Crap - try having blonde hair my mom has a 12 shadow right after a color. I think they give her hair miracle grow!@
I wonder why we don't get different color hair once a month? Only mom and your mom. Hmmm
Chloe has gotten sooo big! She is such a pretty girl!!!
Wow, Chloe has gotten big. What's the matter with your mom's hair? I thought it was the flash making it lighter.
(I know, just call me a suck up.)
Oh, Salinger...be nice to your mother? She's still recovering from the deflated boob.
Haha your poor mom!!
Don't wory S. I have the problem with my mom!! She either has roots showing or she's just changing the color completely!! What's with mommies? Chloe has grown into such a pretty girl!!!
Hey Salinger - Chloe is huge! I don't know what they're feeding her but they need to slow it down. She's going to be as big as a truck soon and out of control.
I think our Moms need to have a girls day out at the salon. The salon people can fix their roots and fix whatever else needs fixing!
Stubby xoxo
LOL Salinger!
your friend chloe is so cute!
me thinks you still need to be nice to your mom. remember, your antics flattened her boob and left marks on her body.
heeee ~ you are a funny puggy ` just be nice till Monday. She will have forgotten all about the meat packing plant by then.
m & e
YIKES Chloe is HUGEEEEEE! I'm sure you played really nice and weren't scared at all. Rightttt..... :-D
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