We're borrowing Murphy Dogg's WTF Wednesday idea for today's post (because we liked the alliteration!)
I know a lot of you have seen this already...but mom had to post it again. Thanks to our friend Kristi (mom of BO the Puggle) for sharing this one!
NO it isn't me...but it totally COULD have been!
OMG...mom keep laughing like a crazy person every time she sees this guy! Does anyone know him???? He's pounding on that keyboard like nobody's business!!!
Have a great weekend!
Pee S. If Murphy Dogg is reading this...we miss you and hope your mom is doing ok!!!
Reminiscing Because It’s Friday
5 years ago
Haha that is adorable!!
It makes me laugh every time I watch it!!!!
My mom laughs like crazy too! She says he has just the right facial expressions at just the right times.
Very funny. Looks like he's getting some help there, but us pugs sure are musical!
Bwaaaa ha ha ha! Salinger, I hope your mom doesn't get any crazy ideas!
Impressive, no doubt! But you should see me play the guitar BOL!
Brutus the Frenchie
Salinger dude! You need to get your keyboard out and make a video! You would be even more famous than that pug. I don't know who he is but he's got nothing on you. Plus, you can sing and dance. Put those leather outfit on and get to it!
Stubby xoxo
Momma is going nutty watching this video for the 98th time..
Benny & Lily
I like how the pianist stick her/his tongue out for concentration. BOL
I say you start training Salinger. You can only get better.
Sal, dude that is NOT a good sign. Seriously, if you see some movers bringing a keyboard contraption in your pad... HIDE!
LMAO! That's hilarious!
BOL great video!!!
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