Mom cleaned out all the old pics and videos from her phone and found THIS from a few weeks ago!
Mom and Dad take me for a long walk almost every evening, and if there isn't anyone around up at the big park, they let me run loose and chase the @#$%& Geese (a.k.a. Crap Machines) into the lake!!!! I had just chased off a HUGE flock of them, leaving the park safe for all!
Happy Thursday!
Reminiscing Because It’s Friday
5 years ago
Oh Salinger! I love your smooshed face!!! Sophie says,"oh look at that 'oh flat faced puggie'"!!!
You're awesome, Salinger! That put a big smile on my mom's face. I used to run around like that before I got sick and I think my mom misses it so much. I told her that I eat leaves like you did, but that wasn't a comfort for some reason. Hmmm.
PS. Does your t-shirt say Got Biscuits?
hey, somepuggy's gotta get rid of those damn geese!!!
You are so cute running your zoomies!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
BOL! Nothing like proper pug zoomies!
Sal, Mom and I both loved this video. Mom is always saying I act half crazy and today she said "Look Lola, Salinger is acting just like you do", whatever that means.
That's so awesome of you to get rid of those damn crap machines disguised as geese. You deserve a good round of "the zoomies" for doing a good deed.
I love your biscuits? Indeed...
You are do cute running around. You have the whole place to yourself
Benny & Lily
Having the 'case of the crazies' is what it's all about. We live for those moments! From 2 Crazies to another... Go cuh-razy Sal!
Lots of crazy licks,
Swisher and Oakley
Hi Sal, thanks for the nice video. I also love to run around in the parks.
My hobby is chasing swans, ducks and geese. Once last summer I chased about 60 of them into a huge lake which left my mum and all bystanders speechless.
To round it up I jumped into the lake too once I had finished the job. My mum almost had a fit - she thought that pugs had no hunting instinct and cannot swim.
Yes, we can!
Unfortunately mum was half undressed, ready to jump into the lake to save me. I don't know why we went home on that day almost immediately and in absolute silence?
Love from Berlin
Carlos Santana
Hahaha - we love your crazies! Were you eating a feather there, too? Sweet! That's how we roll, too - zoomies followed by the eating of something we shouldn't.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Go Salinger go!!!!!
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