Hmmmm...I've only had the hard crunchy doggie bagels...never a nice warm soft, chewy bagel! It smells yummy!
OHHHHHHHH MY! SOOOO delicious, chewy, yeasty goodness!!!!

Next time, I'm totally ordering mine with a nice schmear of cream cheese!!!!
Happy Saturday!
Sal, that is making my mouth water! It looks so good, I think Mom may be slobbering too. She won't admit it, but she is. She should get off her butt and go get me one of these wondrous things!
wow, that bagel sure looks good! and i agree, get the cream cheese next time, it's delicious! hmmm...do i have any bagels in the house??
Sal, cream cheese is EVERYTHING on a bagel!
Oh my pug! We want a bagel bone! You are sooooo lucky. We love the look on your face as you taste it.
Cream cheese on it would be better than ever.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Salinger, dude! A bone bagel? Seriously? Oh yeah, you definitely need some creamy cheese on that next time!
Oh, Salinger, this was like a dirty movie to me. I am drooling over the forbidden fruit. It sucks to be grain-free!
If you get the cream cheese I bet you a juicy bone Miss Gimpy won't let you eat it in the car and that's half the fun!
Rocky the TX Pug!
Sal, you are the luckiest puggie like EVERS! You get all the tasty treats. Dad eats bagels all the time and never shares. We're going to go and snort all over him just to show him how we feel about that.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
WHERE IS THIS?!??!?! We need a pug date there! Are the bagels even close to being east coast good?
Nom Nom Nom!!
BOL, Sal! WE loves our bagels, but it's kinda hard to chew em! Don't worry - we manage!! Mom says if it ain't from New Yawk City, it ain't no bagel, but we don't care!!!
ohhhh yummmy
we want a bite with cream cheese!
oh my gosh salinger!
those look delicious!
i want a dozen or two!
archie bagel barchie
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