YES...I SAID SNOW!!!!!!!
See for yourself!
It didn't stick or was back up in the 60's over the weekend.
Personally...I loved it. I love running around in the snow like a bulldozer while mom stands up on the deck being all shrilly and yelly about me suffering ailments varying from freezing my dingus off to giving myself a heart attack from the cold.
WHATever! I say BRING IT!
Happy Monday everyone!
Hi Sal! Snow, woohoo! We don't have any yet, but we're waiting... Please tell your mom I am going to post some pictures this week of me snuggling with Chewy. I think she will like them.
Awesome indeed!
I'm glad you enjoy it Sal, personally I hate it when the tempature gets below 70 degrees!
That stuf must be so much fun
Benny & Lily
Hi Sal, I also like snow - we are waiting and it may happen any single day. It is sooo cold and freezing here.
My Mum makes me wear my winter coats - so what are we going to do when the snow is here? Amazing, these Mums!
Love from Berlin
Carlos Santana
Hehee! You are so funny, Sal! Seeing that video of you makes me want to visit again soon and romp in your backyard. I miss ya, man! I'm with your mom though and don't really like the cold. This winter is going to be nasty cold since I'm losing my hair again! Brr!
You can keep our portion of snow Sal!! XOXO
Hi Salinger
It sounded like an awsome snow day to me.
Your mom is silly
Hey Sal!
We can't believe you already got some snow!
You looked like you enjoyed it! Bruce would
have a hard time going out into the snow.
His wiener would get too cold hehe.
Hope you have a great week!
-Dana, Daisy and Bruce
S-dog! How brave you were running around in the blizzard! As far as we're concerned, November is way too early to have that stuff coming down.
Martha and Bennie
Wow! Early snow! I love the snow too! I try to eat the flakes from the air, last year was my first snowfall and I honestly thought that the sky was falling in, but once my Mum had told me it was snow I was loving it!! It really looks like you love the snow too in that super cute video of you! Watch you dont get too cold though! I like to go out in it so i have to wear my coat! Love and Phugs Frank xxxxxxx
I want snow! My Grammy lives a little further south than you in Indiana but we have family up in Indy and they all talked about the snow. All we seem to get is tornadoes, we have spent the last 30 minutes in My Boys bathroom because of the warnings and they told us to take cover. We were lucky and it went right beside us so we are safe now.
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