Mom got it together and fixed up her herb garden! YAY! I love to snooze in the sun next to all those yummy smelling things!
We have a BUMPER crop of chives already! Any locals want some? Mom will gladly bust you off a hunk!
Speaking of HUNK...check out my form in this pic! I look pawsitively CATLIKE!
I don't eat them...but I like to sniff them!
Mom also planted some stuff...let's see...basil, Greek oregano and cilantro
MMMM, that means Caprese salad, tatzhiki, and salsa!!!
Ok...I'm hungry now!
Feed me????
Happy Friday everyone!
Great pictures, S-dog! Our Mommy planted some herbs a couple of weekends ago, but they're not that big yet. She wants to get out to the big garden to get it weeded so she can plant some tomatoes and jalapenos, then she can make fresh salsa for Daddy!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mama!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Oh I'd love a herb garden. We only have a paved back yard, which also has an entrance for the 2 flats above ours, so isn't 100% private for us to do what we like in it... maybe some window boxes would be okay tho :)
we're also very shady however
Salinger, you look pawsitively adorable sniffin' on those chives... you're just askin' for a smooch if ya keep looking that cute!
So glad you guys might do the food drive too! We are Twinner Bloggers this week!!!
XOXO Pearly Pie
Salinger - you are just so darn handsome! We have chives at our house too. Even with my brown thumb, I can't kill them off;-)
Salinger - that herb garden looks marvelous! I am like you - I would not eat the herbs, just simply sniff them out. My sniffer sometimes gets the best of me, but I just can't help it.
I told Mom and Dad to get with the program and get our garden going. I am to starve this summer if they don't plant something soon!
Stubby xoxo
Awesome herb garden!! Salinger, I'm positive your Mom is going to make some delish food with those goodies!
great job on the herb garden! yummy!
Sal, buddy....glad to know yer mom knows her away around a garden. Does she cut grass, too?
Oh, and Molly thinks yer just the "cutest thing". Girls....sheesh!
Hi Salinger-
how cool to grow and herb garden. I love to smell them too. The pic of you with the chives is adorable- but you are adorable without the chives too. My beany plants are coming up- its still kinda cold here.
Herbs are the best! My cilantro has gone crazy this year but I haven't had much luck with my basil ;) Sal, don't forget to give your mom lots of lovin' tomorrow for Mother's Day!
Hey Salinger,
My mama is planting her garden this weekend and is trying herbs for the first time!
She's just starting with dill, cilantro, and basil and keeping her fingers crosses she doesn't screw them up too bad.
Murphy Dogg
P.S. I think that chive was like totally going up your nose.
Very adorable, Salinger. And I totally want a herb garden, too!
Are you being a good boy and not eating the herbs this year??
You could always freezer your chives so you have fresh all winter as well.. :)
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