Here is handsome Aireboy Stanley!
Stanley's Owner Girl, Lisa said that she was all excited to have "Puggy Time" so I gave her the full treatment...
I let her rub my tummy, scratch my butt and say sweet things to me in my ear!
We even had a "open mouth contest"! I'm not sure what the rules were, or who won...but it seemed like a good idea at the time!
THEN...I got to meet Stanley! Our moms were careful to introduce us slowly because I was a little flipped out by his size! He's HUUUUUUUUUGE compared to me!
Hello Stanley! SO nice to meet you!!!
Stanley's mom says he's "Gooberlicious"! We just thought he was a very kind gentleman who did a very nice "down" so he didn't seem as big to little old me!
Stanley's Owner Girl, Lisa held on to me while we did some sniffin' and said our hellos.
BOY...he was a big doggie!!!
Mom made Stanley some mint cookies to snack on during their roadtrip!
He told me he liked them!
Stanley brought ME a NEW SQUEAKY MONKEY with a big smile on his face!!!!
I named him "Stanley" in honor of my new friend!!!
Here are the moms being cheesy...self portrait!
We hope that Stanley and Lisa have a very FUN and safe rest of their roadtrip and can't wait to hear about it! They mentioned a few other blogger buddies they were going to try and meet up with, so make sure to check out Stanley's Blog soon for details!!!!
Thank you so much for the new monkey, Stanley and Lisa!
Stanley the Monkey will love his new home here with me!
Happy Monday everyone!!!
Pee-S...Speaking of STANLEY...the Red Wings beat Chicago yesterday in game 1 of the Western Conference Final Series, making them only SEVEN MORE WINS away from the STANLEY CUP!!!! WHOOHOO! Go wings!
* Pearl faints of jealousy *
Salinger - That is so cool that you got to meet Stanley and his mom. He looks like a really cool dude and he even brought you a neato monkey.
Your mom is so nice making Stanley some treats. I wonder if they will make it out of Indiana or if he will savor them the entire trip.
Stubby xoxo
Oh, Salinger, you are so silly! You get freaked out by our Eddie ;-)
That's really cool that you got to meet GooberStan! We're hoping to meet them when they pass through again on their way home!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
I'm so excitewed that you got tomeet Stanley, my twoo love and his Giwl Lisa. I love the monkey he bwought you.. and I'm so glad he was a weal gentleboy.
I'm sooo excited that he's coming to stay wif me..I can hawdly wait.
I know he must have loved those cookies, how vewy thoughtful of you and youw Mom.
Gweat pictoowes!
smoochie kisses
We are soooo jealous!!!!!!! Did he give you lots of aire-hugs?
Sal, buddy.....that pic o' you pullin' away from Stanley like yer terrified makes my mom feel much better. She's glad it's not just her.
Way to go gettin' to meet yer blogger buddy! Very cool.
Looks like fun fun fun. I love big Dogs! Miley is afraid of them but not me big Brutus.
Hi Salinger,
How cool that you got to meet Stanley . Some of those long legged dogs can be a little intidating- i think- but look how gentle he was! And you got a new tot- how thoughtful.Sounds like you had an awsome cookie party .
Your brave to meet the big ones!
Looks like you and your Mom had a great time with Stanley and his Lisa. That was nice of your Mom to make him cookies. And that's so cool that Stanley and Lisa gave you that neat-o monkey.
Awesome, Salinger! You're such a cutie.
oh how fun!
what a wonderful day!
we are going to go and say hi to them.
have a great day salinger and mom!
Wow, meeting Stanlry looked fun. Neat monkey. We think it would be a ball to meet you, but as far as I know, mom is not planning a road trip any time soon. Bummer.
That must have been fun! Gus and indy really like big dogs! :)
Love the new Stanley!
I came over from Stanley's blog! You are such a cutie pie, Salinger!! It looks like you had so much fun with Stanley!!
Janie (the airegirl)
Salinger, I am totally jealous! I'm hoping that Stanley's mom pee-mails my Mama cause I totally want to hang out with the Goob and have some "guy time!"
Murphy Dogg
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