We are SO sorry that we've been AWOL for so long (17 days! Yeeks!) Dad got mom a new computer and she has been using a lot of bad words trying to figure out where all of her "stuff" is....PLUS....I've had a lot of lying around to do digesting all those yummy foodables from Thanksgiving...

Mmmmmm Tryptophan naps are the BEST!!!!
Some of you probably know alllll about our goofball family Thanksgiving Eve Jackassery...but CLICK HERE if you don't (we'll wait.....cue Jeopardy music....)

"Aw crap....AGAIN? SERIOUSLY???"
"Mom...go mail that farkakte thing to Bajas!"

"Ok...show's over...bring on the REAL Thanksgiving foodables!"
We had Maggie here for Thanksgiving (her family was traveling) and mom cooked us up all the gross parts that you find in a bag jammed up the turkey's butt!

Mmmmm....Thanksgiving Turkey ButtBag Nuggets are the BEST!!!! Nom nom nom!
Mom promises that she has a TON of new bloggie posts in the works. She found her pics on the new computer and promises to catch up with you all hopefully over the weekend!
My chaotic crew are now glaring at me for lack of buttbag goodies. Oy!
Welcome back! We missed you guys.
Yum, yum...looks like a lot of good eatin' was going on at your house.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Woo hooo! I'll check the mail box efurry day.
Bahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Thanksgiving turkey buttbag nuggets! You're killing me over here!
Hey Sal! Your Thanksgiving looked a lot like mine...minus the turkey butt bag nuggets...
Dad gave us some of those ButtBag Nuggets, too ... Nom nom nom! Seems like it was so long ago. We're already begging for more "big chicken" (turkey) for Christmas dinner! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty
Salinger, it is now quite apparent to me why you always have that worried look on your face. If you ever need to escape the insanity, feel free to come visit me for a while...just snag some of your mom's great eatables before you leave! Hehee! I love the expression on your face in the pic with Maggie. It's like you are saying, "Hmm, I guess these are on par with my high standards!" You always make me laugh! Have a great weekend and I am looking forward to many more frequent posts from you!
I missed you Sal, glad your back! Mom gives us Turkey Buttbag Nuggets too, makes my mouth water just remembering. I was looking forward to Christmas to get them again and now she says she is having ham. All I can say is ham better have some Buttbag Nuggets too or I am going to throw a temper tantrum!
Buttbag nuggets...You have painted quite a word picture for us. I'll have some! In my dreams mom says. My grandmom makes "faux" giblet gravy for my grandpop so that he thinks he is getting the real stuff (dark turkey meat and chopped up egg, etc.). Pretty hilarious.
We've missed your turdley self, Sal.
Butt bag nuggets look much better than that raw thing
Benny & Lily
I GOTS NO turkey cuz it makes me FART. . . I mean TOOT!
Oh, and Mom's a veghead so there WAS NO turkey to be had!
Love Noodles
I never had any buttbag nuggets before. But by the look on your face, I am not sure I even want any!
Salinger! 17 days is nuthin! we've been gone for forever. So good to see your most perfect face! xoxoxo
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