We were having the BEST time this morning just snuggling and playing "Blanket Fort"....

"Shhhhhh...Mom will never find us here...we're hiding under the CAMOUFLAGE blanket!"
When Mom started coming after us with our harnesses and OUTFITS! WHAAAAT?

"Aw CRAP Mom!!!! We're having FUN!"
Mom put my Punchy PJs on me (squealing about how CUUUUTE I was). I gave her my best stink-eye AND I stuck my tongue out at her.

Maggie didn't mind wearing the Santa shirt at all. Why couldn't we trade???
We rode in the car to PETSMART and then got to visit SANTA!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! TOTALLY. WORTH. THE. PJs!!!!!!!

Notice Maggie's shirt fell off (hussy!) but we had a nice long talk with the FatMan. I told him I wanted my very own Arch card with an unlimited spending limit so I can have McCheesyBurgers ANY time I want, a chauffeur to drive my PugButt to McDonalds to procure said McCheesyBurgers, my own walk in fridge FULL of cheese, my own popcorn maker, a home waterboarding kit (for when Mom hauls out those PJs again), a new bed for the hoomans so they'll stay out of MY king sized big cloud bed, and some bully sticks. Maggie asked for a new dress that would stay on and some new nail polish.
While we were waiting for our picture to be printed, we walked around and did some shopping.

Mom and Dad put us in the cart because there was a big doggie walking around that kept giving us that look that says "YUM! DIM SUM!" and they didn't want to take any chances.
We've been VERY good Pugs this year and hope that Santa Paws REALLY comes through for us!
What do all of YOU want Santa to bring you for Christmas?????
Wow, Salinger! You got to see Santa Paws already!!! You and Maggie look way cool! I'm sure you'll get everything your heart desires! Merry Christmas!!
Hey Sal, we're real impressed that your spending some time with a chick, even if she is a hussy.
Love ya bub,
The Smushies
Sal, you were showing your pearly whites in your Santa pic! So handsome! Sure looks like fun to hang with Maggie. Like the sister you never had.
Hmmm...I want three whole bananas to myself with a side bowl of milk. Also a RED BALL that mom won't even mention in my presence.
Coco wants a steaming pile of poop to eat without getting in trouble. Hahaha! Grossed you out didn't we?
Bennie told me he wants an entire turkey roasted just for him, an electric blanket to make sure he's always warm, and to have a sleep-over on my bed every night of his life. And for me to agree to play squeaky-toy with him whenever he wants, no matter what I'm doing.
One more thing: for me to agree that I will never, ever make him go outside to do his business if it's raining.
Hi Salinger!
You and Maggie look so sexy together!
Daisy and I love your photo with
Santa! The Pj's are pretty
awesome. We hope you got
some delicious snacks
after your photo!
-Dana & Daisy
How nice you got to spend some time with Maggie. It's such fun to meet your blogging friends. Love the pics of you two with Santa.
xoxoxo Diane
Hehe Lincoln and I like to ride in the cart too.
You look too cute in your outfits :)
Minnie Moo
'da Josie wants a tummy tuck!!
Daddy says I have udders..'da nerve~
hee hee hee
That's an awesome picture of you with Santa. You have to be getting some really good loot!
What do we want? Bully sticks for life, pjs from Punchy (we like our clothes), yak chews, giant stuffies that we can gut. Steak. Burgers. Um, we want it all. A warm lap always available. Butt scritchies whenever we want them. Peace on earth and all that crap.
I totally thinks you deserve all that and more. I likes the walk in fridge, hmmmm. Anyways that Maggie sure is a hussy! hope she gets a dress that stays on!
Blanket fort is soooo fun I luvs it too.
PS I sents you a Christmas card..... Um, I am suppose to ask you to tell your momma that Mum here says there is NO glitter on my card! (whatever that means, I don't gets that part).
Salinger we love your christmas list. We want a yard of our own so we don't step in other dogs poo....totally gross. Oh and maybe a fridge full of cheese too ;)
Love the card we got too!
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