HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!! SO sorry we've been away, but Mom needed a bit of a break over Christmas and also had work coming out of her eyeballs again.
SO....big changes for us here at TheLazyK for 2012! I HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER!!!!!
His full name is Tobias Flenderson Funke Kelley (a wink and a nudge to all The Office and Arrested Development fans out there!). Both our vet and the vet his sweet KPR foster family took him to think he's maybe between 2 and 3 years old. He was found wandering around in Kentucky and was picked up and taken to a KILL SHELTER where he was sprung on his "due date" by his sweet foster family, Jeni and Ryan in Louisville **blows kisses***. Mom transported this little dude before and just fell in love with him, and she and dad have been talking about him non stop since then!
Mom and dad have been working hard to get pics of us together since my kid brother came home yesterday, but they're all blurry or we have psycho eyes, so this is ALL we have for right now. We both snorted some crack (hahaha) and both rode on mom's lap for the trip back home.
"Hey dude....now let's get some stuff straight....I'M the BIG BROTHER....I'M the boss....capisce???"
Holden took this shot of mom taking Toby from Foster Mom...it's the official handoff pic!
We laughed and said Toby looks like Baby Simba in The Lion King!
We all just adore Toby....here he is with his other big brother...Holden
EVERYPUG should be so lucky to have a big bro as awesome as Holden!!!
He got to help Daddy drive the car home too! Toby is a VERY good driver!
Today, Toby had his first visit with Dr. Graves!
He whispered to Toby and told us that he was a "Great Little Pug" and that I should be a nice big brother to him.
I'm going to try my best. I know the kid was dealt a crappy hand early in life, so we're going to take good care of him and I promise not to be too turdley toward him.
On that note...here is a pic of me enjoying my FIRST McCheesyBurger of 2012! I didn't have to share either!!! NOM NOM NOM!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!
Reminiscing Because It’s Friday
5 years ago
I'm so stoked that you didn't have to share your McCheeseyburger with the Tobster! :)
SALINGER! Welcome to the Big Brother Club!! It's not so bad despite what I usually say. We can't wait to get to know Toby and see how you show him the ropes! Now you guys sit still for some pictures, OK??
Welcome Toby! Salinger is going to be a great brother to learn from and snuggle with too. You found a great family....mmmm McCheey Burger...mmmmmm.
The Girls
Welcome home Toby!! As a huge fan of the office.and arressted development,I adore your name! You are a super lucky puggie!!
Yay!! You and Toby are going to have some great adventures!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
p.s. - dad thinks Toby looks a bit like Brutus. Wonder if Toby knows stuff too?
Congratulations to Toby on finding an awesome new home! And congratulations to you guys for getting an adorable new brother.
It was great to meet you! Hope we get to meet Toby next time.
Hi Sal! Boy oh boy. I know I'm supposed to comment about how cool it is that you are now a big bro, but all I can think about us that yummy McCheesy Burger!
I'm a little disappointed in you Sal...allowing another pug into your home. I totally have the 'rents knowing that I don't want any sort of brother or sister in my house! Well good luck man!
OMG, congratulations Salinger - you now have someone ELSE to adore and who adores you! ((Hugs)) to you all from me and Paco!
Welcome home, Toby!!!! We can't wait to meet you!!!
Welcome to your new, loving home with a built in big brother pug, Toby!!!! God bless you all!!
Welcome to your new, loving home with a built in big brother pug, Toby!!!! God bless you all!!
Salinger, dude! How cool that you've got such a sweet little bro! I know you'll show him the ropes and help him along, and I know he's found the bestest forever family! And dude, how cool that you didn't have to share that McCheeseyburger!
happy happy new year!
oh toby!
you are the cutest and luckiest puggy in the world!
we are soooooo soooooo excited for all of you!
you were meant to find each other!
your story of how you met gave me happy goosebumps!
a & m
Welcome, Toby!
Praise be to little brothers and cheeseburgers.
Welcome Toby! I'm so glad you have a safe and loving forever home.
Hi Salinger and Holden!
What great big brothers you will be to Toby!
Just think of all the new adventure that you will all be having.
Salinger- maybe a rule should be that you get your own burger once a week in a car trip all by yourself!
We are happy for all of you and happy that Toby has a forever home and will never be waundering those streets of Kentucky ever again.
He is adorable - just like you Salinger!
Wow, Mack and I are so happy for you guys! It's not so bad having siblings, even good at times...someone to play with when the humans are too busy, etc....
Toby is so lucky to come into such an awesome family. You will have a lot to teach him.
We also have a new sister, a foster, Miss Daisy from Mid Atlantic Pug Rescue. She's shiny and black! She's really cool.
Have a wonderful 2012!~
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Welcome Toby!....This is Cici, my sister took me DOWN when I first got home but she's used to me now and we run and play together!! Hey..this is Zoe, I have a hard job keeping her in line but what's a big sister to do!!
Gertie and Bert can't wait to meet Toby! Welcome to the world of two pugs! They are so much more fun in pairs. Hope to see you soon.
The Anderson's
YAY! Brothers rock! We're so happy for you!
It may take a little time getting used to each other, but Don't worry you'll figure it all out.
Happy New Year!
Meredith & Scarlet
We're so happy for you all! Congratulations...on the McCheesy burger. Bwhahaha - no, congratulations on your new baby brother. He's a cutie patootie!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Sal, you and your lovely 'rents are very special folks to take in a hard luck member of the PUG family! My congrats to all of you and an especially heartfelt welcome to Toby, a very very lucky Pug! Mentor him well Sal!
SalPuggy, this here is your good pal Howie. Tell yer maw yew are FEELIN NEGLECTED and THEREFORE NEED MORE FOOD for the next few months. Also, tell her your good friend Howie needs to come over and help you eat that food until you feel better about this whole situation... PS, your little brother looks just like my foster brother Em Pee (Mister Pug), so tell him I said "AIM HIGH!"
Hi Salinger! I'm glad you are back, I've missed the sound of your Pug paws on your keyboard Blogging away! Not only are you back, your back with a new Pug brother! Big Welcome to Toby! You both are soooooo cute! I love the circle of life pic! I wish you all the luck and love in the world! Happy New Year, hope you all have a year filled with love, health, wealth and lots of treats and tummy rubs! I'm looking forward to hearing all your adventures with Toby! Lots of Love, Licks and Pug Hugs from Frank the Pugalier x x x x x x x x x
At first I was stoked on the idea of getting a new brother, but he kinda grew on me. But show 'em who's boss S-dog.
Lots of licks,
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