Sunday morning started off nice and sunny, so Mom, Dad and Holden put me in the car and we took off...

We went to the Indy Motor Speedway (yes, where they drive the fast cars for the Indy 500!) for the annual MUTT STRUT!

As we were driving started POURING down rain, but mom said that she came prepared!

Aw CRAP...I have to wear this farkakte RAINCOAT???
It was raining and really windy, so we didn't check out too many of the tents on the Plaza...but I INSISTED that mom stop and let me visit THIS one!!

They were really nice and gave mom a cool magnet when she told them that *I* was gay! How fabulous!!!
I met up with some of my PugBuddies....
Some of
the PUG Posse was there (in their PUGwagon!)

That's Neecy in the back...she's probably summoning the Mother Ship again (she's an alien)
My buddies
Hank and Molly were there with Aunt Sarah (in their "DadGum Baby Buggy" as Hank calls it!)

Hank is saying "WHERE'S THE BEEF?" Hahahahaa!
There were a LOT of doggies there that we didn't were some of our favorites...

A cute Frenchie named BRUNO!

Another cute Frenchie that rolled over for a TUMMY rub! (We forgot his name!)

These Huskies cracked us up...they all sat so nicely and POSED for a picture!! How in the Pug did their peeps get them to do that without the promise of a cheese buffet?
Some lucky dude named MAX got to ride on the track in THIS!

His own Indy car!!!
We walked the entire 2.5 mile track with
Aunt Sarah, Hank and Molly. We were SOAKED!

Mom is shivering seeing this pic!
Holden pushed Molly in her stroller and she YAPPED the WHOLE TIME!!!

Holden's trying to figure out what O'Mally has her panties in a bunch about!
Here's a cool shot of Daddy and I

Here we are at the finish line (apparently these are the old original bricks from when the track was first's a pretty big deal, or so we're told!)

Yay! All done!

Good job
Aunt Sarah, Hank and Molly!
Thanks for coming to the Mutt Strut with us!

Hopefully it won't be raining next year!
Happy Tuesday!!