Mom said that I was “ripe” and took me to PetSmart Day Spa to be “De-funkified”.
Here’s me BEFORE….

OH MY HELEN KELLER!!! I could hardly stand myself!!!
Luckily a really nice lady named Rachel thought I was cute and took really good care of me! She must not have a very good sense of smell…which is probably a good thing!
Here I am with Ms. Rachel AFTER….

Ahhhhh!!! MUCH better!!!!
Good thing Ms. Rachel thought I was cute…mom was afraid they’d send me down to the Fluff and Fold to have THESE two guys take care of me!!!!
Stay tuned for Mimi pics!!!!
I don't know Sal... Just when I get my "funk" just right is when mom decides I need to be deoderized. All that work for nothing... Great, now you've given her the idea that I need a bath to. Thanks, bud (BOL)
Brutus the Frenchie
OMD - our word verification is "oderr"!!!
I'm glad you went to the spa! Now you won't stink at my Birthday Paw-ty on Saturday! I can't wait to meet your Mimi!
Hi Sal! I hardly recognize you after your spa day. I'm totally funky right now but the peeps don't have any time to take me to get defunkified. I'm hoping to keep my funk until the next time I see Josie because she loves me nice and ripe!
Stubby xoxo
There is nothing better than the smell of a good stinky dog!
Don't let these humans tells you otherwise!
Now go find some deer poo or something to roll in before Mimi gets here!
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxx
I gots one of those last week. I hopes you has fun with your Mimi!
HA HA HA HA Sal!!! It's a good thing that your Mommy didn't do you up Beavis and Butthead style. You would so haves a headaches! (hee hee) You looks alls nice and fresh! Really cutes! Hopes you have funs on your playdate! You'll totally have to post 'bouts it!
Loves, Josie, Izzy and Anakin
OMD you were talking about serious de-stenchification. Hurry, you have to fix this. Find something super stinky and roll in it.
We love smelling...then bath! Go figure
Benny & Lily
Pee S. Have fun with auntie
Sal, buddy.....I don't smell nuthin' in that pitcher. Is it supposed tuh be a scratch 'n sniff type o' thing?
No offense, bud, but it WOULDA been perty funny if them Beavis an' Butthead fellas had got a hold of ya! ;)
Doesn't it always seem like just when you get your stink just right, those humans have to go and alter your chemistry with a bath?
I hope you have a great time with your Mimi!
Psst... Hey Sal...
I'm not so sure were Stubby gets this idea's that I's like him stinkys. Will yous have a talks with him???
Hahahah my Pops loves those two guys... but Momma thinks they're really dumb.
You look pretty good in your black top! It's a good look!
Our moms must think alike! I was defunktified today! Just when we start to smell our best!
Love, Marlene
Sal, We like da funk.. gotta have dat funk, hmmm mmm. What's wrong with a little funk? It's what makes the world go round, does it not?
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Hmm..that reminds me. I've gotta pretty good stink goin on right now, so it's probably about that time for me too! I must go hide. Love, Arlo.
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