First off...congrats to all of our Indy doggie friends that participated in the Mutt Strut yesterday! We're so proud of all of you and wish we could have joined you for the walk around the track! Maybe next year...
You may be wondering WHAT in the world could have been MORE important? I asked myself that very question as daddy was driving the car...

Dude...WHERE are we going???
The car stopped and I got out and couldn't believe my eyes!!!

Could it be?......

We're ALL together again!!!! Mom, dad and the sextuplets!!! Here's the rundown of everyone...
This is mommy holding my PugDaddy, Rufus! Isn't he handsome?

She kept calling him "Roofie"!
You've seen my PugMommy, Gertie before a few times, but here she is eating a pupcake!

Poor starving Pug! (hahaha)
You've already met my brother Bert...

If he were a human, he would totally ride the short bus to school.
This is my sister Betty...

She lives with our PugDaddy, Rufus and their humans.
These are my brothers Diggy and Dudley...

They live together with a nice lady named Jo and a few other different types of doggies. They look like big football players!
This is my other sister Tibbi...

She was so cute in her pink dress!
She lives with this cool PugDude named Toby....

Toby had water on his head because it was so warm outside!
Tibbi's humans thought that she and I looked the most we are posed together...what do you think?

We all had fun playing and mommy made a birthday cake for the humans to celebrate the sextuplets' 2nd birthday (it looks like the one she made for Kelly a few weeks ago, but with more pugs!)

Of course 2 extra cookies for Gertie and Rufus since we wouldn't be here without them!

The Pugs weren't left out or anything! We had banana PUPCAKES all to ourselves!

Things got a little messy!
Diggy and Dudley brought PRESENTS for all of us! Here I am with my new duck!

Thank you Diggy and Dudley (and their mom Jo!)
I came up to Mom and gave her "the look" to tell her I was ready to go home...

So mom got Holden and Gracie (Bert and Gertie's human sister) together for a pic like she always does.

Mom is convinced they're going to go to the prom together when they're older!
I said goodbye to Nancy (my first human mommy) before we left. She helped take such good care of me when I was a baby and I always thank her when I can...

So that was my fun Sunday! Again...GREAT JOB everyone who did the Mutt Strut and we hope to catch it next year!
Happy Monday everyone!
Salinger - How pawsome to get to see your family! I do have to admit "the face" was the best pic yet. You crack me up because you just get to that point where you have had ENOUGH family or not!!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
The family reunion looked SO FUN!
Do any of your siblings read your blog? I hope not... because I am going to say...
You're the cutest, BY FAR!
(If any of you are reading this... you're the 2nd cutest)
WOW what a cool get-together S-dog!!!! It looks like so much fun! We wish we could have joined YOU... we were overheatin' at the track! And there was NO CAKE! Booooo! Can't wait to see you again!
What fun! You's got a really nice looking pug family. Your sister Tibbi is really cute!
(ahem... but not as cute as some puggies and other girls I know)
Salinger - Never a dull moment in the life of S-Dog! I am so jealous of your pug family reunion. I too am a sextuplet, but I don't know where my siblings, or my parents are. I wonder if Mom could look for them on
You are definitely the cutest and you are lucky that you got the big frown mug gene. I love "the look" you gave your mom when it was time to go. Priceless!
Stubby xoxo
What a great reunion it must have been! Thanks for sharing all the pictures! That cake looked yummy (Mommy is drooling because she's contemplating starting Weight Watchers - again - next week.)
Yep, and Tibbi both inherited the "tragic news" look.
What a fun day. What a great family. We love that "face" photo. That is priceless. Glad you got some good treats at your party.
Hi Salanger
What a wonderful get together! We wish we had a family like that - with all those pugs so there can be many celebrations. Everyone is so darn cute, and looks like everyone had plenty of goodies to eat- and fun.
So fun looking at the pics
hi salinger!
oh how absolutely wonderful!
i LOVE that you get to see all of your pug family!
that is so cool! we just love this post!
what great photos and the cookies are just too cute to eat! i am glad you mom got such good pictures of them!
do your siblings and parents have blogs too?
:) m & e
What a great pug family you have, Salinger! And that cake looks so great! Did you get the cookie with your name on it? I have never seen all my family at once - but I've seen my dad quite a few time and one of my sisters. And my mom came and lived her last 4 years with me, so I got to see plenty of her!
That is very cool Salinger and your mom makes some yummy looking cakes and pug cookies!!
Great pictures, S-dog! Looks like you had a bunch of pug fun while we were dragging our tails and tongues around that stupid hot track! AND you got cake!!!
Can't wait to see you at Meetup on Saturday!
Pug hugs nad kisses!
The Pug Posse
How cool to be able to see your whole family! That is an awesome cake your Mommy made, again!
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