Mom reeeeeally messed up yesterday afternoon! Holden's hair was looking a bit longish and she thought this might be a good time to try out this new gadget she picked up a few weeks ago...

I don't know if you can see the words "MISTAKE PROOF" on the package...but it doesn't matter, because they are big fat LIARS!
Mom started to trim up around Holden's ears and thought things were working ok, until Holden looked up into the mirror and yelled "MOOOOOM!!!"
This is what he looked like..........

Here is ME looking at MOM (how could you DO this?)

Daddy came home from work and rescued Holden from the "Just A Trim" torture device and took him HERE for a repair job...

Mom was too embarrassed, so she stayed home and felt bad.
They did a great job fixing mom's handiwork! Holden loves his new 'do!


All better! (WHEW!)
All I know is that after that surprise nail grinding and then that hair debacle yesterday...I'm staying AWAY from that crazy lady for a while!!!

Get away mom! I don't want a mohawk!!!!!
HAPPY EARTH DAY! Do something nice for the planet today! Mom is going to conserve water by not doing any laundry or dishes today!

Hey Salinger --- (inside joke) Cough once when you see Mom coming with scissors - then RUN and hide! Happy Earth Day!
HAHAHA It KIND OF looked like a rapper's hair cut. You should have shaved his initials in there, or a lightning bolt maybe!
Okay, we know this post has some very serious issues in it (saving the Earth, nearly making Holden bald) BUT you made our Mommy laugh so much!
Now onto the serious stuff...phew about Holden's hair. We think he looks very cool now. And Mommy knows all about those "safe" clippers. She did the same thing to a friend one time. Oops.
And we love the Earth and so we say, Yay Earth!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
heehee my mom used to 'cut' my hair too.. she would put tape on my forehead to make sure my bangs would be straight and then she would cut above the tape so my bangs ended up really short. :p
Glad that Great Clips fixed his hair.. and you could have just shaved his head.. lol Poor Holden!
Poor Holden! I've always wondered about one of those contraptions, now I know. Glad his haircut was fixable. Happy Earth Day, Slainger!
Haaaaah hahaha. Ok, so maybe it wasn't funny to Holden, but now that it's all fixed and whatnot, we can all have a good laugh, right?!?!
I love your Earth day conservation idea. Maybe tonight I wont' even cook so there won't even be dishes that will eventually need washing. Yes! That is the best way to save the earth!
hi salinger!
oh no worries! mom just got that great haircut started. holden looks so handsome!
happy earth day to all of you!
m & e
Haha.. We like your Mom's earth saving idea ;) Mom don't want to do dishes today either (even if I do the pre-wash cycle).. uh.. want to help, I mean.
Oh, and no worries about the hair! It always grows back out.
Hi Salinger - never trust a mom with hair cutting scissors. The mommy said she always had crooked bangs as a kid - we thinks the grandmaw had bad vision!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Oops, Jerry often asks me to cut his hair; he always seems to forget how much of a disaster it was the last time I did it !
He moans about the way they do it when he goes to a proper hairdressers/ barbers to have it sut, so I dunno why he expects me to do a Better job *silly !!! LOL
Salinger - Your mom is getting more crazy every day! Poor Holden to be tortured like that. You are probably still hiding from the "mistake proof" shearing device. Keep away - keep far away. Stubby xoxo
Sal, buddy.....you tell your brother that is a fine all-american haircut he's got there.
Yes Salinger, Mommies are TERRIBLE at haircuts. My Mommy did the same around the ear mistake to my Daddy. Poor Holden. But at least he got a better haircut out of it.
Hey Salinger,
My Mama used to be a hairstylist and she had to fix home cuts that were WAY worse than Holden's! So tell your mom hers wasn't too bad, but to never trust those home haircuttin' contraptions.
Remember Flowbee? Evil, scary, mullet-maker.
Murphy Dogg
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