FIRST OFF, we are SO touched and want to thank EVERYONE that sent me birthday wishes! Mom is all sappy about how we don't even KNOW a lot of you, but she feels like you're all our good friends! Thank you to Apollo, Pug Posse, Pearl and Pugsley for doing their entire blog posts about my birthday yesterday (and go check them out if you haven't already...they are fabulous!)
So I'm sure all of you are wondering how I spent my birthday...right? Here we go...
I spent most of the morning playing with mom and trying to get into her SNUGGIE with her (she LOVES her snuggie!). Here I am surrounded by it...

FYI, she got her Snuggie at Bed, Bath and Beyond and they only had it in "cult blue"
I even got a phone call from MIMI in Arizona wishing me a happy birthday!
I talked to Pa too...but mom didn't get that part on video.
Mom left me to take a nap for a while and she went to Holden's school to be a "helper mom" for a while.
Later in the evening...the DOORBELL RANG!!!!!


My BPF (Best Pug Friend)/"life partner"
Pugsley came over and brought me lots of birthday kisses (no surprise there!)

He DID wish me a happy birthday and told me all about his day....

Mom had Birthday PUPCAKES for us!

Pugsley ate his pupcake in like thirty seconds...but I decided that since it was MY birthday...a human could feed me bites by hand. Heather volunteered to be my servant...

I figured I can't get this treatment every day, so I was going to milk it for all that I could!!!
Pugsley brought me a PRESENT too!

Heeeyyyy...I recognize the writing on that box!!!!

OH MY! A HUUUUGE box of treats from Three Dog Bakery!

Dude, you SHOULDN'T have!!!!
THANK you man!!!

You're the best!
OH...check out the CARD he gave me!

Two sweet little Pugs eating a cupcake! The inside says "I couldn't have found a better buddy than you" Awwwwww! How PERFECT is that card????
Pugsley and I played and kissed for a while longer. Mom snapped this picture....

Anyone notice anything interesting/inappropriate here?????
As you can imagine...after all that fun we were really tired!

Pugsley got the "baby treatment" from his mom!
Then I snuggled up to sleep next to Daddy in the big cloud bed...

ZZZZZZZZZZZ's followed shortly after this picture was taken!
Thanks so much everyone for the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!! I'm going to spend today doing some serious napping and lounging on the deck in the sun!
Salinger, you had the BEST birthday! I think you were looking for Mimi under the Snuggie.
My momma is not CRAZY about her Snuggie because she says it holds SO much static electricity, she is constantly getting electricuted! Is yours like that!?
Pugsley is the BEST bud for coming over and partying with you! I LOVE that pic of Heather feeding you pupcake!
Mom wouldn't let me see that 'inappropriate' picture, so I don't know what to say about that... :)
Looks like you had a great Birthday Salinger. That was so nice of Pugsley to celebrate it with you and give you that awesome box of treats and cool card. And how nice of Mimi to call and wish you a Happy Birthday. As for that inappropriate picture, my Mommy says she doesn't know what's worse: Pugsley doing that while kissing another boy or me doing that when my Mommy is kissing me...
Looks like you hads a great birthday, Salinger! Pugsley was nice to come over and celebrates your day with you. He looked pretty excited about it too. (snort!!)
hahaha - that looks like a great birthday, Salinger. I'm glad you and Pugsley had so much....uh.....'fun'....together.
Just get to have another one next year!!!
I want a Snuggie in Green.
Wow that was some birthday Salinger!! lol
Love the R rated pictures too hahaha
What a great birthday!!! It looks like you had a wonderful time!!!!!
You two are so cute! But the absolute favourite is the picture of the wide open mouth waiting for another piece of pupcake! BOL!
Salinger, what wonderful photos! Sounds like you had a totally awesome birthday!
And Woot for the XXX-rated photos. Although....You're only 14 now, Salinger...are you old enough for that???
hi salinger!
oMG! what a great birthday! your photos always make us laugh out loud and make our whole day!
you are a movie star my friend!
m & e
Salinger - you are a party animal! You're so lucky to have such a great BPF like Pugsley. He brought you a great birthday gift - food!
I wouldn't worry about the incriminating pictures that your mom took. She would never use them because she loves you too much.
That cloud bed sure looks comfy. If I ever come over to visit I will have to try it out.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Salinger
What a celebration you had with cup cakes and a guest! Your one lucky pug!
Happy Birthday, Salinger! Looks like you had a crazy fun time!
And Pugsley seems to have had a, um, pretty good time, too. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Murphy Dogg
Well BPF,
All I can say is I LOVE YOU MAN!!
Thanks for having me over to celebrate your birthday. It is always nice to come over and see you:)
Hope to see you soon!!
I wonder if I can manage to spread my birthday over two days ...? (coming up on the 23rd April!)
I did not know what a Snuggie was before your post- I do now, and I WANT ONE ! I guess I'm a 'cold' person, whereas Jerry never seems to want to put the heating on :( Seems a Snuggie would be perfect for me :)
Salinger! Bailey and I are so sorry we missed your birthday--especially because you were so nice as to remember Bailey on her special day. So Happy Belated Birthday! May you enjoy many, many more birthdays in health and happiness!!
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