HEY...what are these weird things that Holden is putting on his legs???

Why is brother asking me for "good luck kisses"?

OHHHH! Today is the start of Spring Soccer season!!!!

Holden's team played a GREAT first game and HOLDEN SCORED A GOAL!!!! WHOOHOOOO!!!
His team didn't win, but they sure looked good out there and played with GREAT teamwork!
Unfortunately, I, Salinger The Pug am unable to provide you with play by play coverage of the game because they have a dumb sign at the soccer fields that says THIS...

SO unfair!
CONGRATS on your big goal Holden and you'll get em next time!!!
There are dumb signs like this, all over the place. Sometimes humans are STUPID!
Go, Holdens Team, Go!
Way to go Holden!!!
That really sucks that you can't go Salinger:( I know you like being the mascot for Holden's sports teams and a PUGTASTIC mascot you are!!!!
Happy Easter!!!!
What?? No dogs allowed? Isn't that, like, segregation or something? And wasn't that outlawed back in the 60's? I think we need to organize a march on Washington, cause our civil rights are totally being violated, dude.
Murphy Dogg
P.S. Go Holden!
congratulations holden!
you are our hero!
m & e
Great job, Holden. We are sure your team will win next time.
Good work Holden!
Too bad no puggies are allowed at the games. Poop.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Too bad you couldn't go. You shouldn't be banned from outside events...especially if it's to see your human brother. Discrimination I say!
Yay Holden!!
I hate those signs! We drove all the way to calgary (12hours) one year to watch my husband play softball and those signs were every where! I was soo mad! And if they thought you were bringing your dog anywhere near they, you got screamed at!!
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