Ok, my friend Pearl brought something VERRRRRY interesting to our attention....
CLICK HERE to learn all about Pug "B-TOTs". Apparently some puggies have a B-TOT which stands for "Black Tip Of Tail" (according to Pearl...we're pretty sure the folks at the AKC don't talk about this one...)
Of course that meant that mom harassment was about to ensue....
So there I was...just playing with one of my loofah dogs, being cute and minding my own business....

Oh CRAP...what does mom want NOW?
You want to look at my WHAT?


Yep...it's STILL there and STILL looks like a Cinnabon!

OK...mom has come to the conclusion that I *DO* have a B-TOT...but the B stands for BROWN

It's not black...but definitely darker than the rest of my tail.
In other (more exciting) news...the peeps are all excited that the Wings won again last night and only need to win 2 more games against Columbus to advance to the next round! WHOOHOO!!! GO WINGS!!

Salinger - My mom is obsessed with my tail too! Mine is not a cute little cinnabon like yours, nor does it curl, but Mom still has to mess with it all the time. What's up with that?
There you are looking all cute, minding your own business and then your mom decides she needs to check it for BTOTness. Yikes!
Conclusion: Your mom hit right on the head - you have a BTOT, but your B is brown. A little ray of sunshine in an otherwise black world of tails!
Stubby xoxo
Mine is black (i think so... i posted pics yesterday)
Hi Salinger
I have a little bit on minr, mom says its not much- but it still exists!
You are so adorable with your toy
You have the cutest tail. Love the loofah dog!
Yup, winston's B-TOT stand for "brown" also. I checked it last night, actually.
hahaha Okay, we think Brown-TOTs are perfectly acceptable! Congrats on your BTOT, buddy!
I just KNOW the AKC peeps will pick up on the BTOT soon. At the dog shows, the announcers will say "Now you can see the judge checking the pug for its BTOT, a breed standard."
Haha Indy has a brown BTOT too :)
Yay wings! We are currently 3-0
Very exciting!
Salinger...you're so adorable! I'll have to check Poley's tail when I get home from work.....
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