Mom says this connection is "eerie" because when she was 15, Great Grandpa gave her THIS book...

...and told her something to the effect of "This book will really speak to you". I guess it did, since she named my human brother (Holden) after Holden Caulfield!
How odd that Great Grandpa and Mr. Salinger both died within a few days of each other! Mom says that if there were/is such a thing as an afterlife, she's pretty sure they're both enjoying a nice cocktail together and having a fabulous time!
ANYWAY...I stayed at Little Rascals again while the Peeps were gone...

I was in the Taj Mutt Hall Suite (I enjoy the sun streaming in from the window).
Lloyd and Gail sent an email to mom and notified her that they had to remove the phone from my private suite because of THIS....

AND breadsticks too!!!

"What? I am staying in a first class hotel and you expect me to eat KIBBLE?"
SO...we're all home safe and sound and ready for a new week.
Happy Sunday everyone!!!