WARNING everyone...this is going to be a very LONG post, so you may want to clear your schedules, make a snack and have your calls held! We had SUCH a fun and very PUGCENTRIC weekend!
Friday evening, fellow blogger
Heather and Harry Pugalicious arrived!

YAY they made it!
In true Salinger Pug form, I looked very concerned about the whole "visitor" situation...

Ummmmm....what do you mean they're staying all weekend????
We REEEALLY hate to tell all of you this...but Harry is even CUTER and SWEETER than he is in his pictures!!!

He's SUCH a laid back, chilled out puggy!
Of course like EVERY Pug...he loves FOOD!

Here's Daddy (a.k.a. Foodman) looking for some foodables in the fridge! Harry thought he was making him a snack!
Since Heather and Harry were staying with us all weekend, I decided that I'd better make friends with Heather...I decided to tell her all about our other puggy friends she was going to meet at Meetup on Saturday!

Mom was snuggling up with Harry and making him comfortable for his weekend getaway.

She mentioned something about Harry needing to be IRONED, but I stopped her (since the woman's iron skills are clearly lacking based on the last post we had!).
Mom and Heather did LOTS of laughing and squealing about how CUUUTE we puggies are!

I tried to get Heather to give me a bite of her dessert (apple crisp) but I think she wanted it all for herself!

Later that night,
Pugsley and Lola came over with their mom Heather!!! Pugsley was VERY excited to meet Harry...

I tried to tell Pugsley that Harry only digs the LADIES, but he didn't listen!
Saturday morning, Mom, Holden and Heather took us to Falls Park here in Pendleton to walk around and enjoy the warm fall morning. We watched these ducks for a bit...

On the way home, we had to stop and show Harry some true Indiana cows!

Holden used to think that chocolate milk came from brown cows! HAHAHAHA

THEN it was time to go to the Indy Pug Meetup....
Since Halloween was last weekend, we had our costume contest this time! Mom put me in those farkakte doctor scrubs again!!!!

Aunt Sarah (Hank and O'Mally's mom) "tucking a buck" as her vote for me in the contest (I came in third!)
Here is the winner....our buddy

Here is
Hank dressed in his normal daily attire (since he IS the King of the Hill).

We posed for our usual Indy Bloggers picture...but notice there are three RANDOM people in the back row on the right!!! NO clue who they are and they just crashed our picture!!!

Of course the Indy Bloggers are much too polite to kick them out of the shot...so we just went with it!
After the regular meetup...
The Pug Posse's Vikki and Dennis were so nice to host a "mini meetup" at their house so everyone could hang out with Heather and love on Harry!!! As usual...it was a BLAST and everyone brought wonderful yummy foodables to share!

This is Rita from
The Pug Corral trying to keep Harry from swiping her dinner!
Kelly J. and Mom modeling their adorable puggy shirts!

Mom wants to thank
Kelly H. and
Kelly J. for passing this shirt on to her!!! You ladies rock!
Heather and Harry's visit totally called for a big honkin' CAKE!

Don't worry...NO puggies were fed any of this chocolatey goodness!
Here is Kelly J. posing with Harry P.

He is such a superstar!!!
Here is another pic of the Indy Bloggers (with NO RANDOMS this time!)

Front row: Jessica who blogs for
Lilo Jami who blogs for
Apollo Sarah who blogs for
Hank and Molly Heather (our guest/honorary Indy Blogger) who blogs for
HarryBack row: Kelly who blogs for
Sophie, Dixie and Harles Mom who blogs for ME
Cindy who blogs for
Yoda and Brutus Vikki who blogs for the
Pug Posse (and was our gracious hostess)
Julie who blogs for
Reggie and DallasI was getting sleepy, so I cuddled up with Heather....

...and was REEEEEEALLY happy to see her!!! (hahahahaa)
Back at our house, we snuggled some more...with this sweet squeaky giraffe that Heather and Harry brought for me!!!

Ahhhhhhh...SO nice! Heather...will you and Harry move to Indy???? ;-)
We had a nice long sleep and then this morning, the moms took Harry and I out walking in the 'hood again (as if we weren't exhausted enough already!!!)

I showed Harry how I like to dig in the sandbox (a.k.a. beach volleyball court)

Mom posed us on the pier together...

Then it was time for Harry and his mom Heather to go back home to Alabama. We had SO much fun with them this weekend and wish they lived closer! Thank you so much for making the trip up so we could all spend time with you and snuggle with sweet Harry!

...and REALLY...pictures don't do him justice at all!!!!!
Hope you both have a safe trip back home and please know that you're ALWAYS welcome here!!!!