I like scraping my teeth on them and hauling them upstairs and dumping them on the Big Cloud Bed in the middle of the night! (Mom's note....imagine the THUNK these suckers make at 3am when being dumped on the foot of one's bed!)
Mom says that I need to call A&E and ask to be on their show "Hoarders"

I don't know what she's all riled up about....I NEED MY BONES!!!!
Happy Friday everyone!!!!
Wow, you're lucky. I don;t get anything like that!
Of course you do!
Happy Friday!
LOL Salinger!
What an awesome collection! my mom keep s collecting pug art too. she says collections are for growing, so just keep making piles s-dog!
m & e
Keep hoarding!I hoard all the toys Sequoia plays with on my big bed in the living room!
LOL... that is some collection!!! Will we be seeing you on the show?
Ooooh, Mommy loves that show. It makes her feel better about her housekeeping skills.
You can "hoard" some of those bones over at our house!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
I's not seeing a problem with this, Salinger. I thinks your Mom is just trying to find things to pick on you abouts. You just keep collecting those bones, dude!
Salinger, I am a hoarder too!
I will not tell you what I hoard... but let's just say that momma recently found my stash of a certain article of clothing under the bed...
Good work, dude!
Oh Salinger, dude. Don't know about that hoarding stuff so I don't know if you've really got a problem there, but you know, A&E is broadcast nationwide....you'd be a big star......with groupies....and your own chef! Okay, maybe not.
peeS: mom is addicted to "Clean House" on Style channel. One dau I am afraid Neicy will come here, declare all sorts of FOOLISHNESS & MAYHEM, and try to sell us!
Don't ya just love those things! Momma yells when she steps on one
Benny & Lily
Hey Sal,
Keep a lot of bones is a problem?
I don't understand ...
Murphy Dogg
BOL! Those bones clunking on the floor at 3 a.m. probably scares the farts out of your mom!
We watch Hoarders with ma. We'll keep our eyes out for ya.
Stella and Gunther
Salinger, your Mommy needs to understand that a pug never has to many bones...never enough good spoiling of anything for the puggies..lol.
that's a pretty big collection! but what i want to know is what are you doing up at 3 in the morning!?! we are all sound asleep at that time.
Salinger dude! You need some serious help. I can't believe you bring those bones up to the big cloud bed. That is not good dude.
I've never seen that show, but I hope it can help you. And of course it will make you a bigger star that you already are.
Stubby xoxo
Pee-s: Don't forget the little puggies when you are famous.
Sal, buddy......good thinkin' dumpin' those on the bed at 3 a.m.!
So what if it gits yer mom all h in the a? It's funny!
Salinger I totally agree with you about bone hoarding. you really need one for every room so you don't have to carry them everywhere. I am going to make a request for more because I only have one and have to haul it everywhere! I just makes sense to have one in every room for convience.
You hoard away my fine young friend!!!! You are highly-deserving of some serious spoiling!
Your momma wouldn't be saying it was hoarding if those were her bones - then it would be collecting. It's all in the eye of the beholder☺
Nice!! I can only imagine the noise they make when they fall off the bed in the middle of the night! :p
That is some collection Salinger
has going there!
-Dana & Penny
Mmmmm! I love my bones too! And I like to bury them under the couch cushions. When Mommy finds them she throws them away though. :(
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