Mom got all Martha Stewarty on us and busted out the GOOD china! Man...she was SERIOUS!

The napkins are even folded up like farkakte turkeys!!!
Will and Lizz came over with their mom, Peggy. I think she is in love with me now (WHO could resist me?)

As you can see...I'm all dressed up in my best "eating attire".
FINALLY...Mom pulled the turkey out of the oven...only to cover it and tease me with it for another half hour or so. Some crap about it having to "rest".

COME ON LADY! Give me a hunk of that bad boy!!!!
As I stood there in a puddle of my own drool...Dad carved the turkey slower than molasses in friggin' January... was time......


After dinner, we have a cool family tradition where EVERYONE gets a brand new christmas ornament to hang on the tree (which will be put up tomorrow). Lizz helped me change into my CHRISTMAS tie for the big unwrapping...

Here I am taking my turn opening my new ornament...

To: S-Dog...hahahahaa's a PUG!

Cool...he looks kind of like me...just not as handsome!
The OTHER great family tradition we have is to watch the DOG SHOW as we're digesting! This year, we recorded it and watched it a bit later, and were absolutely HORRIFIED that the Pug didn't win Best In Show!
Breaking sports news video. MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL highlights and more.
Stupid judge must have been all sacked out on Tryptophan from too much turkey to do their job properly....the Pug was ROBBED!!!!
We hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and please know that we're SO thankful to have friends and family as great as all of you! Reading your blogs and comments just make our day!
Salinger dude! Of course Peggy's in love with you. Chicks love a pug in a tie and that look on your face is priceless!
I'm so glad you finally got some turkey. I have to wait for mine until tomorrow. I'm not sure why, but what can I do? I can't open the refrigerator door and Mom is absolutely no help.
I love your new ornament. That's a very cool tradition. I hope we put a tree up this year but I'm not crossing my paws because Mom and Dad are leaving the continent next week.
Stubby xoxo
Wishing you and yours the most blessed of days as we break bread with friends and family or spend our time as a volunteer with any one of the numerous charities in need of our time and talents.
Peace, plenty, prosperity - my wish for the United States of America.
You look so handsome in your ties.
And we agree, the pugs ALWAYS gets robbed at the dog show! What the heck?!
Stella and Gunther
First of all Salinger you look so handsome in your attire. I would be lickin my chops for weeks with all that good turkey. Do you believe that Dog Show! We watched it to. Scottie, huh!
Have a relaxin Friday,
Benny & Lily
Your thanksgiving looked like fun! We hoped you wiped yor paws off from all your drools.
Hi Salinger,
We stumbled on your site via Benny & Lily's blog and wanted to say hi and how much we love your name (our mom loves J.D. Salinger).
Looks like we all got food goodies for Thanksgiving... our favorite holiday!
Looking forward in keeping up with your adventures.
Your new admireres
Nellie & Calvert
PeeS: We agree that Judge was blind!
Sal, are lookin' SLICK in them ties! (But it wouldn't kill ya tuh smile.)
Glad I don't hafta worry about you an' Peggy runnin' off an gittin' married. (That'd be like somethin' that would happen in O'Mally's family!)
Pee Ess: "nommity" - ha ha!
OMD - I think my mom has the same china - well Lenox actually - which pattern is that you have?????
Lennox Urban Lights!
The flatware is Oneida Midnight (it's discontinued! :-(
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