First off....we need to send some more THANKS to our buddy Harry Pugalicious and his awesome mom Heather...
Not ONLY did they schlepp ALL the way up here to Indy...but they brought PRESENTS with them!

For mom, the COOLEST APRON EVER!!! It has PINK sequins, a PINK pug and a blingy CUPCAKE on it! It's like an apron of mom's favorite things!!!
Check out the stash behind me too! Apple Dumpling treats for MOI, a t-shirt from Pugfest for Mom with one of Melissa and Emmitt's cute notecards!
BEST of all.....a squeaky giraffe for MEEEEEE!

He's REEEALLY good for playing "tug"!

So a BIG thank you to Heather for the goodies and to Harry for letting us (and the rest of the Indy bloggers) snuggle all over him!

Holden couldn't keep his mitts off Harry!
Also...Happy Veteran's Day and a BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU goes out to all of those serving our country AND those who have served in the past. We especially want to thank our Grandpa Conrad (mom's grandpa) who served in WWII overseas!

This is handsome Corporal Morris Conrad! As you can see, I (Salinger) inherited his good looks! (hahaha)
Grandpa is 93 and doing very well and hopefully enjoying his Veteran's Day. We're going to give him a call later...we don't want to interrupt his morning TV shows!
Happy Hump Day everyone!!!!
Wow, you and your mom did get quite the stash, Salinger! And thank you for remembering our veterans on this Veterans' Day! Let your grandpa know that we all appreciate his service!
You guys really had some great visitators! And sounds like you have one great grandpa!
Dude - that's quite a pile of swag. Mom is digging that apron but I'm sure she wouldn't wear it because she wouldn't want to ruin it.
Holden looks so cute lovin on Harry and Harry looks like he's loving it!
Is that your grandpa that thinks that dogs should live outside? He looks so distinguished in his photo back then and today.
Stubby xoxo
Great photos!!! What a haul you got from the visit, Salinger! Harry & his mom are SUPER nice sounding!
Man, Harry and his momma are just the best! What great gifts! Looove that apron!
Your grandpa is VERY handsome Salinger. Happy Veterans Day to him, and all!
Wow..wonder when momma Heather is coming to our house in California with treats?
Benny & Lily
Happy Vet Day grandpa
Salinger you look so happy in that first picture!
Love the pug apron! The stuffed
giraffe is pretty sexy too.
Happy Veterans Day!
-Dana & Penny
Happy Veterans' Day Salinger! My mom told me all about how she got to meet you and your mom today at the gift and hobby show. Glad to hear that you and Hank shook your money makers for KPR. Way to go! Hopefully one of these first Saturdays mom can get off of work and I can come and meet you and all the rest of the indy pug people!
See ya!
TicTac <3
Wow you guys got lots of goodies!!
Your great grandpa lokos very distinguished.. and no you don't want to interrupt his shows! lol
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