Bottled PARSLEY flavored dog water???? What kind of farkakte crap is this????
I see it was only 74 cents (clearanced) which means that it probably wasn't a big seller. What made her think that *I* would like this????

Great....now she's going to try and get me to DRINK it???

Ew...it smells weird. Ok....I'll try a tiny sip.....
GAAAHHHH! Mom...what is WRONG with you?????.....

I'm backing AWAY from the bowl.......

You can HAVE your foo-foo water mom....I'm going back to bed!!!!

Maybe Sophie, Dixie and Harley fared better with their peanut butter flavored water?
***MOM'S NOTE***
I'm pretty sure Salinger (Drama Queen) just wasn't thirsty....I tasted this stuff (from the bottle...NOT the bowl) and it didn't taste like ANYTHING except a wasted 74 cents and the guilt and shame that Stubby has conditioned us to feel for purchasing a plastic bottle!!!
S-Dog - The water should be served with some meatballs or something. No one eats plain parsley - maybe with some mozz cheese and a tomato hmmm that sounds yummy. How did you get stuck with the herb water and the others got the good nut water? - sounds like you got the sissy stuff.
Rosie...mom thought I would like it because I'm always sniffing around in her herb garden and chowing down on her basil.
Maybe if she makes me a nice caprese salad I would reconsider.
Psssshhhh...and she calls herself a "foodie". Riiiiiiiight.
Thanks for looking out for me RoRo!
Salinger, does your Mom think you's gay or something? Parsley water, sheesh!
LOL... so much to laugh at!!!!
Your little booty walking away, the fact that your silly mom even put it on ice for you, and Harry's comment!!!!!
Hey BPF/Life Partner:)
I will get mom to bring you a cream soda sucker. That will taste MUCH better!!!
It was great to walk with you last night!! (I enjoyed the kisses too)
I love you man!!
Hehehe... Parsley flavoured dog water? We're laughing hard around here.
Hmmm, has mom been smokin' stuff? Well, you sure told her what's what! Maybe you should keep off her basil......
Haha god help you if you try and make a pug drink water when they don't want too! hahaha
well did you recycle the bottle afterwards??
Parsley water?!?!?! WTF????? Poor Salinger. If the momma was gonna waste $.74, she could have at least brought you the peanut butter water!!!
And Harry: DUH!!!
And Pearl: Yes, so much to laugh at!!!!! Made the momma's day =)
Mom saw this before but it wasn't flavored just fortified. She had me test a sample...and no I was not impressed either Salinger.
Oh my goodness Dog Water?? I'm glad you tried it to see if it really was tasty or not. Thank you for the sweet words about our Sugar.
Salinger buddy, glad you walked away from that funky water -- yeah, right, from the clearance rack! You're better than that, dude!!
Is that like a doggie Mojito?
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Sal, buddy.....THAT is why I stick tuh PBR.
Your one cool dude in more ways than one.
You have my mom laughing off their chairs,,,and me too
Your sooo REAL
LOL Salinger!
We are still laughing over here!
At least it was not carbonated *sparkling* water!
although Emmitt asked me to ask you if you have any watercress sandwiches with the crusts cut off?
m & e
Perhaps you didn't use the right bowl? Maybe something in cut crystal, with a stem would be more fitting. Our babies can be picky!!
Right on Salinger. You don't need no stinkin parsley water!
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