We have the COOLEST neighborhood for walking! There is a nice big park with a fishing lake in the middle of the subdivision where I especially like to walk.

I had to check out this bench. Some jerky kids keep moving it!
I'm not a basketball fan, so I pee on the post that holds the basketball hoop all the time!

Mom is a big sucker for fall foliage, so the thought this pic was cool....one tree starting to change in a row of many.

She calls this "Happy Little Trees" hahahahaa!
The view of the lake from the pier is REALLY cool. Mom takes me down there a lot so we can feed the fish pieces of bread.

We had a special visitor that day....

Mom thinks he's a Blue Heron, but she's not an expert.
Mom thinks this sign is funny....

It's posted next to a bumpy part of the kids' Big Wheel track....but we've seen people posing next to it for other purposes (.)(.) (hahahahaha!)
Lastly...just LOOK what mom did to me in order to take my picture next to this farkakte HILL sign!

Being wrapped around a stupid sign is NO fun! Mom thinks a good caption for this pic is "What in the SAM HILL are you doing to me, lady?"
Ok....time to get harnessed up and head out for another walk! We'd love to see your routes too!
Happy Hump Day everyone!!!!