It sounds like everyone had a nice Valentine's Day full of love, romance and treats!
Mom went to Michigan to visit Great Grandpa Conrad! He's been a bit under the weather lately and mom wanted to take him his favorite cake for Valentine's Day!

Great Grandpa asked mom to help comb his hair, so she gave him a "faux-hawk"! HAHAHAA! Don't worry...she combed it down nicely after this picture!
The hospital said "NO PUGS" so mom left me home with Daddy, Holden and Will (Lizz was working and busy). Mom thought she might put a vest on me and tell them I was a therapy dog, but Grandpa says that dogs belong on farms and probably wouldn't kiss me anyway. Too bad...he's totally missing out!
Mommy DID come back though and then we had a belated Valentine's day celebration with my BPF (Best Pug Friend) PUGSLEY!

Yeah, we know...he had a big hot dessert date with PEARL for V-day......

Looks like my BPF might have hung his jacket back up "in the closet"!
Pugsley brought me a big COOKIE that tastes really yummy!

I gave him a stuffed hedgehog.

His name is Ron!
We caught up and chatted for a bit...

We laughed at some jokes......

Got buttscratches....

And hugs.......

Then Pugsley went all "boneless" on the kitchen floor...

Which means it was time to go........
Thanks for the cookie buddy! I love you man!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
We are happy to report that Great Grandpa is feeling better too! He is out of the hospital now, which is GREAT news! He's an avid reader of my blog so we're sending him a big shout out with lots of love and slurpy kisses!!!!
Hi Salinger!
It looks like you had a great time with Pugsley! That cookie look delicious!
:) Tibby
Hey BPF-
I had a fun time with Pearl, but
you know you will always be #1 in my book!!! Thank sooooo much for Ron. I have carried him around the house all day.
I had a great time playing with you last night!!! Let hang out again soon:)
Your BPF,
yeaaa, Great Grandpa is feelin better yippie! Go Great Grandpa GO!
That looked like a mighty good cookie you had, and how nice to share a hedgehog gift. I got a giraffe.
hi salinger!
what a great day you and your whole family had. i love all of your photos with pugsley.
you two are cutie patooties!
m & e
Well, I can now relate to the pain my Sophie felt. Just when I thought Pugsley was totally into me... I see all of these suspicious photos!!
On a serious note, we're sooo happy your great-grandpa is feeling better. It's so hard to have a loved one in the hospital while you're far away. Give your momma a big smooch, Salinger!
Hope your feeling better Great Grandpa!! Looks like the pugs all had a great time!
Hi Salinger,
Glad your great grandpa is feeling better - make sure you go give him a big sloppy pug kiss when he gets home!!
I am very happy your Grandpa is feeling better!!
And when you see him again I am sure you can try some sneak attack kisses! :)
We are happy that great grandpa is out of the hospital. It looks like you had a great Valentine's Day. That cookie looks awesomely delicious. Enjoy.
Yay that your grandpa is feeling better! And what a day you and Pugsley had! Mommy laughed very hard when you wrote about him hanging is jacket up "in the closet".
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Looks like you had a really good Valentine! I's glad your Great Grandpa is better. That's great news!
Pearlie-poo, if you's reading the comments rest assured, I might get stuck in the closet sometimes but Mom says it's "literal" not "figurative". I's not sure what that means but I only kisses girls.
I am soooo glad your grandpa is feeling better! It's cool that your mom can visit sometimes, even though he lives a little far away. Mom has to take airplanes to visit her family (mom, sister, aunts, uncles, nephews, cousins, everybody is so far!), its not that easy!
PS. I see my competition for Pearl's heart is not as fierce as I supposed... after this pictures and Harry's confession... mmmhhhh...
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