I, Salinger The Pug am simply EXHAUSTED after the big night I had last night! Let me show and tell you all about it!
Mommy said that we were going to see my girlfriend/Puggy Muffin
SOPHIE and her family! I spent all day yesterday getting my beauty sleep so I would be really handsome for her! Not only THAT...but Sophie's mom and dad (Kelly and Brian) just got ENGAGED and we wanted to make sure things were properly celebrated with all the fanfare that a happy engagement deserves!
We canines exchanged Christmas presents too!!! Here are some good pics...

This package was for Sir Harles...homemade Peanut Pugger Cookies!
THIS one was for my Sophie Puggy Muffin.......

It was a box full of PUGGY MUFFINS (the corn giblet recipe we posted at Thanksgiving!).
We chose this especially for Dixie Bugg...

Doggie Brownie Bites! We figured they were the closest thing to POOP, so we hoped she'd like them!
Sophie, Dixie and Harley got me this COOL shirt (this TOTALLY helps with my whole "butching up") and a toy TURTLE that I dragged all over the kitchen today!

S'up Dawg? HAHAHAHA. Mom likes the picture of the bling on the back! She says it looks like I won a medal at the Ghetto Dog Olympics! HAHAHAHAAA!

Don't mess with my turtle......his name is "Homie".
After the presents, the humans had dinner and then Kelly and Brian cut their engagement cake (practicing for their wedding cake!).

Of course it HAD to be chocolate....doggie poison. Figures.
Then Dixie Bugg got passed around for BuggRubbs...

Mommy had a turn...
Then daddy...

Then Sophie tried making the moves on me...

But I was playing "Hard to get"...besides...all the humans were watching, so it's not like we had privacy to get Puggy or anything!

Mom noticed that I DID spend a LOT of time playing with Harley. Hmmmmm.

Why does she keep saying "not that there's anything WRONG with that!" and laughing?
Daddy was having fun with a Puggy Pile on his lap!

Sophie, Dixie and Harley dogpile on my daddy!
While I decided to play "DENTIST" with Kelly! Hahahahaaa

Oh yesssss...I can TELL you've been flossing!
Mommy was giving out TREATS and trying to get us all to do our tricks that we know (sit, speak, high five...etc.) It turns out that Harley knows sit AND speak! I knew that fellow gentlepug was smart!!!!

BUT...I think the highlight of the evening was the brief appearance made by Dixie "Da Bugg Gooroo".

The people were laughing too hard to pose any real questions to her...but maybe next time.
Thank you so much to Kelly and Brian for having us over for a great evening and CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement! We can't wait to follow along with all of your wedding plans during the next few months!