Mom said we have "a buttload" (I think that's a LOT) of pictures to share, so we decided to post in installments to get caught up. We're starting with Christmas Eve.
TWO packages were in our mailbox, both for MEEEEE!!!! Here's mom helping me with the first one...from JANIE (our Mail lady!)

"WHAAAAAAT is it mom???"
(***Mom's note*** hair is a LOT darker than it was...those stupid colors on the box are never what they seem!!!!)
How sweet! Janie gave me a new Santa stuffie, some rawhide treats and a cute little picture frame with MOI in it that says TOP DOG!

"COME ON lady! Use those opposable thumbs!!!!"
Thank you so much Janie! We love it and we love having YOU for our MailLady!
The next package was from Heather and Harry Pugalicious! (and was a TOTAL surprise!)

Heh heh...notice the "Salinger Pug ESQ." on the address label!
Daddy used his opposable thumbs to open it for me...

"HURRY UUUUP! What IS it???"
There was a whole BUNCH of stuff inside! Some treats and a new christmas bone stuffie for me, a funny magnet and coaster for the peeps and THIS......

A Christmas Puggie SNOWGLOBE!!!!! How PRETTY!!!!
Thank you so much Heather and Harry! You are both so sweet and we send you both a zillion hugs and kisses!
The rest of our Christmas Eve was so much fun! I hung out here with Mom, Dad, Holden and Holden's dad (Doug) and then LOOK who dropped by to visit and bring CAKE BALLS!!!

It was Reggie and Dallas' family (MINUS Reggie and Dallas). Julie brought me a nice chewie (and that's her son James in the picture too!).
Thanks for coming by guys!!!!
Later, Heather came by with my boyfriend Pugsley, his sister Low Rider Lola and a nice plate of daddy's favorite cookies (chocolate oatmeal no bakes!). We all sat nicely for treats!

We all ran crazy and wore ourselves out after this picture!
It was getting late and according to Norad...Santa was entering US airspace! Holden mixed up a batch of reindeer food (oatmeal and glitter! YUM!) and sprinkled it in the driveway....

Is Santa Paws going to bring me anything? I think I've been a good Pug this year!!!

Installment TWO coming tomorrow!!!!! Stay tuned!
OH...and regarding my Christmas message in our last says to try it again. She thinks the system was just overly busy on Christmas Eve with all of the other doggies and kitties sending messages to their friends too!
How fun to have your buds visit for Christmas. And mom's hair looks really nice, we like the color!
Stella, Gunther & Betty
You look like you had a lot of fun. What is better than all those peoples and pressies
Have fun playing
Benny & Lily
Looks like you got some great presents! Glad you had a good Christmas :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hey Salinger! You guys always have so much fun. I think your parents should adopt me and then we could be brothers.
I got your holiday message to work - very cute. I can't wait for the next installment of Salinger's 2009 Christmas.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Salinger!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Looks like you had a great Christmas! We got lots of toys, one of which Sketcher already destroyed (he's such a doofus).
No treats this year, though, which is making me think...should I be on a diet??? Nah...diets are for humans!
Yer pals,
Sketcher and Angel
Sal, buddy! Nice haul!
I almost didn't recognize yer mom with her new hair! (Mom's note: Hank is dumb.)
(I still can't git that dang Christmas greetin' tuh work.)
HAhaha you guys sure had a lot of fun!
Does your Momma change her fur color every Christmas? Mine just got a haircut.
Hi Salinger
You got some mighty nice prezzies that santa brought you from all your friends too.
What fun to celebrate with friends and family.
It looked like lots of fun to me.
BOL! Sal, I love your Christmas greeting! The British accent suits you.
I am loving reading all about your Christmas. We have pretty much been buried in an Oklahoma Blizzard around here.
What sweet gifts from all of your friends. It's obvious that everybody loves you guys- and I do too!!
By the way, your Momma's hair looks great!!!
Salinger and Laura:
What a lovely Christmas eve you had. Putting out reindeer dust, nice touch!
Love the personalized Christmas greeting. Salinger, you sound so debonair.
Paula w/ Bandit, Paisley & Smokey
hi salinger!
oh what a wonderful xmas eve!
we cannot wait ot read you next post!
m & e
We might be going backwards but we can see you had a great time!
Loved the snowglobe!
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