What's that you say? Phoebe's EAR? Well why would I know anything about Phoebe's ear and the trends she chooses to follow?

Yeah...it does look like she's been using ear gauges....

I'll bet she's been hanging out with THESE folks...

Too bad Phoebe doesn't wear clothes...I have the perfect gift card idea for her for Christmas!

CLEARLY the girl is a freak!
Happy Friday everyone!!!
LOL Salinger
fashion statement or breakfast snack?
m & e
That Phoebe is a superfreak!
BOL! Phoebe is a rebel that's for sure.
Sal, buddy.....I'm thinkin' that Phoebe gal needs a tat, too.
PS GAHA from mom!
Something tells me Phoebe had some help in her fashion "choice"! Dude!
So Phoebe wears ear plugs..and? Humans!
Benny & Lily
sometimes kids just have to experimant. we understand, just today we found one of our stuffies, a kitty, with a new piercing...one that separated her head from her body. but if that's the fashion statement she wants to make, well...go for it!
Way to go Sal, you can operate on the stuffie without detaching the ear, that is talent dude.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
So when are you getting your ears pierced to match Phoebe?
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