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petcentric - DOGGIE & KITTIE-MAIL
Bet you didn't realize that I speak with a British accent!!!!!
Reminiscing Because It’s Friday
5 years ago
Two very pampered (NOT spoiled) Pugs and their daily musings and happenings as shared through the eyes of their family
WOWZA! Gee, Salinger, we didn't think that your voice would be so deep!
Your British, so am I!!!!
Mom says I speak with a British accent too becasue I have bad teefs so that is where I am from BOL!!
Merry Christmas, Salinger! We hope you get more than a Snuggie for Christmas!
P.S. I can see why all the girls are weak in the knees for those British fellows now!
Aw, we couldn't get the message to work. But we're sure it was AWESOME!!! We love British accents.
Merry Christmas!
Pearl & Daisy
Salinger dude! First of all, nothing about you surprises me. Since I've met you before I knew that you had a British accent. I don't know where you got it from but maybe it's an Indiana thing.
Secondly, I cannot get your greeting to work. I click on the link, the page loads to 100%, and then nothing. I'm sure it's a crackup as witnessed by the other comments.
Merry Christmas little buddy!
Stubby xoxo
Same here- it goes to 100% and then that's it :<
Real shame because I'm a British Blogger too! ...and yes Tuni, PEPE does have bad teeth also- the vet said some of her baby teeth hadn't dropped out & it'd be better if he pulled them for her - eek!
Oh Salinger you are to funny!
Merry Christmas
Benny & Lily
Hahaha! Mom and I were laughing our tails off! Of course you speak in a british accent with the whole stewie thing and all...hahaha too funny. Merry Christmas S-dog! I hope yours is great!
Merry Christmas!
-Dana & Penny
Merry Merry Christmas to all of you!
Have a wonderful day!
m & e
Merry Christmas Salinger & Family!
Hope you have a great day.
Roxy, Lucky & Mom
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