Mom and I took Mimi into the backyard to show her all of the cool blooming things going on. Mom is really proud that she hasn't killed her Lilacs (yet).
While Mimi was admiring the Burning bushes, we noticed that she started "picking" at something...
"What the heck, Mimi?"
Mimi then confessed that while she LOVED living in Arizona and having gravel and cactus in her yard instead of grass and plants....she really missed WEEDING and said that she found it THERAPUTIC! (WTF?). She then ASKED mom if she could keep weeding the back flowerbeds!
"Ummm...Mom? Is Mimi for REAL?"
Mom told her to "knock herself out" and even gave her a trash bag so she could continue her "weeding therapy"...
Wow....if Mimi thinks that weeding is THERAPY...she's going to be in TIP TOP mental shape when she goes home!!!
Just LOOK at this pile of pent up angst and issues!!!!
Mimi even continued her "Therapy sessions" into the NIGHT!
Wow...the things we do for mental health!
I went outside to make sure Mimi could find her way back to the house in the dark.
We aren't sure how this "Weed Therapy" works...but Mimi seemed to really like it!
If anyone else would like a session of Weed Therapy...just let us know! We're sure we'll have PLENTY more in a week or so!!!!!
Reminiscing Because It’s Friday
4 years ago
Whoa! Mommy would like to know if we can borrow Mimi for a few days? We have weeds in places where no weeds have gone before. We're sure Mimi would find our yard very therapeutic. We won't even charge her anything!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
If Mimi needs more therapy, just let us know. I'm pretty sure the momma could help her out!! Humans, they are constant wonders!!!
The dandelions are growing five times faster than the grass here. We could use about 10 Mimi's I think!
Brutus the Frenchie
Lots of peeps find weed therapeutic.
Seriously, Mimi can get some serious peace of mind in my backyard.
hahaha!! We are laughing at Pearl's comment!!
We have plenty of weeds in the flower beds so if Mimi needs more therapy she is more than welcome :)
Mom has been trying to figure out how all the weeds popped up so fast in her flower beds :(
Also - wanted to let you know that it was ok to that you borrowed pictures - we like to share :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
What kind of weed are you guys giving to Mimi to get her to weed your yard from sun up to sun down? I'm just sayin'... Seems kinda fishy to me.
Either that or Laura is pulling the old, "I promise to let you lick the icing bowl if you weed the garden" trick again. She's a cold hearted &#$@*! I tell ya! Mom is convinced we need a family vacation out to Indiana just to get one of her red velvet cupcakes!
Your bud,
wow! can i sign up for a visit from mimi too?? salinger, you have an awesome grandma!
I 'd check her pockets for broccoli
Benny & Lily
well, momma says that story is NOT what she expected from the title....but glad Mimi is feeling therapized.
Love Gen & the Foo
This is too funny and all too fimiliars!!! Our Grandma (Mommys Mom) Comes overs and will be all dressed ups to goes out to lunch with Mommy. She will be in very nice attires...may even have whites on!!! We wills be waiting for hers in the windows...
She will be coming ups 'da sidewalks...then we sees her bending downs!!! WTF???
She's gots her purse and bags and craps alls over the sides have to ride their bikes on the lawns or the streets!!! Then we sees her pulls outs the WEEDS!! Mommy goes out theres likes WTF's!!! Grandma's what are ya doing???
Sal, She cannot controls herself!!!
She just can't!!! She said like your Mimi that she thinks it's cathartic! And Sal get this...When Grandma and Mommy are walking in the neighborhoods...if Grandma sees a giant Weed on someone elses front propertys...Grandma wills trespass and picks its!!! So embarrassings!!!
the emotionally abused...
Josie Izzy Anakin
PLEASE, send Mimi over here! Mom would love you and her forever! After last summer with nothing but rain, our weeds overgroweth!
"Weed therapy?"
Isn't that something they do in California, not Arizona?
I've done a little weed therapy a long time ago and it didn't have anything to do with my yard. Now it's just the daisy weeds and dandelions that I do. The weed fiend was a real eye cathcer!
Wow - looks like Mimi has enough potential clients that she could start a business. It's scary to think about what she'd do with a weedeater!
Haha no we will let Mimi keep weeding we pass!
Sadly, I share the same mental malady as Mimi. I actually weed my neighbor's flower beds because mine are too small for all the therapy I need. There is something about it that is just incredibly relaxing. What can I say? I'm a crazy lady....
Uhg, My mom does the same thing....
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