**WARNING** this post is verrry long and has a crap-ton of pics, so you might want to get a snack and a beverage and find somewhere comfy to relax! Mom and Dad took me on a little ROAD TRIP....

Hmmmm...I wonder where we're going?????
Soon, I saw the familiar skyline of CHICAGO! We drove the car to THIS place and gave the keys to some man that worked there and said he would take care of it for us.

The Drake"....hmmm....I like the sound of this place!
Wow...this is MY kind of place! The elevator even has a little SOFA in it! PERFECT!

It's a LONG RIDE up to the 8th floor....I must rest!
Check this out....ANOTHER resting spot when we got off the elevator!

Ahhhhhhhh....that was an exhausting ride up the elevator!
WOW! This is our room????

Overlooking Lakeshore Drive and Lake Michigan!!! SO pretty! There was even a dog beach right there, but it was FREEEEZING cold!
Instead of the beach, Mom and Dad took me SHOPPING on Michigan Avenue! Chicago is a very dog friendly city and mom asked Dr. Google which stores would allow me to shop. She was surprised to find out that there are a LOT of them!

Now THIS is more like it!!!!
Here is our first stop...Anthropologie

Mom got some vanilla perfume that makes her smell like a cupcake! MMMMM
THIS was my favorite store....BLOOMINGDALES!!!!!

THIS lady is BETTY from the hosiery department....she said I was the best looking customer she'd had all day, but she was sorry that they didn't have any Spanx in my size. HAHAHAA! As IF I'd cram my PugButt into a pair of Spanx!!!!! She also told me that she only dates on Sundays and Mondays and said I could come back anytime.
After we covered just about ALL of Michigan Ave, we went back to The Drake

I had a nice nap on their Big Cloud Bed and waited for dinner....
Dinner is served!!!!

Gino's East deep dish supreme with broken sausage (not the patty). NOM! Mom gave me her sausage and pizza bones (crust).
The next morning, after a NICE long sleep...Mom had her coffee in bed and I helped her and dad with the crossword puzzle.

I was also King of the 'Mote....I had to find a weather forecast that would tell us when it would stop RAINING in Chicago!
The rain didn't stop, so Mom dressed me in my rain slicker and we went out for breakfast....
SPRINKLES CUPCAKES!!!!!If any of you watch
CUPCAKE WARS on Food Network, you should know about Sprinkles! Candice Nelson is one of the judges on the show and Sprinkles is HER cupcake bakery!

They even have DOGGIE cupcakes! Mmmmm....vanilla!!!!
***Mom's note*** I tried the ginger lemon and I'm here to tell you that sometimes cupcakes ARE worth the $3.50 price tag. I have some experimenting to do here in my own kitchen!!!!
To work off the cupcakes, we walked all the way from Walton Ave. down and over to Navy Pier (map it....it's like 93923827278485 miles)

The SUN came out, but it was still COLD! Here are dad and I in front of Navy Pier.
As we walked around, LOOK what we found!!!!!

McD's of the Future???? WTF????
Nope....regular old McCheesyburgers! Nothing futuristic about this!

I had to hurry and nom kind of fast......

Dad called them RATS WITH WINGS but mom said they were funny the way they move their necks when they walk.
After some shopping in the Pier shops, I had a therapy session with none other than BOB NEWHART!!!!

He didn't have much to say.
After some more shopping and a long walk back, we left to get back to Indy.

Bye bye Chicago! See you again SOON!