MOOOOOOOOOM!! This envelope smells like it's for ME!
Is it foodables????

Come ON Lady!!! Open the farkakte thing!!!!
Hey...this looks like something from Auntie Melissa and Emmitt!!!

What IS it???


Um...Mom? Is this what I THINK it is???

No offense Aunt Melissa....but I'm NOT looking at the camera!
OK...I gotta admit...it WILL look pretty sweet during football season since it's totally ARABIANS colors!

Ok, take the picture, but MAKE IT QUICK!!!
Oooohhh...now this smells harmless/non-humiliating!!!

Now THIS is cool looking here in Mom's office!!!! I'll sit up close to the switch so you can see the resemblance!

THANK YOU SO MUCH Melissa (and Emmitt) for making my sweater vest in RECORD time! Mom loves it and I agreed to pose for some more pics later when I'm not being so turdley!
**MOM'S NOTE** Melissa can do these adorable sweater vests in ANY color combo that you can dream up! CLICK HERE to order your very own today!!!!
Happy Hump Day!
sal, your new sweater vest fits perfectly!! the colors are very flattering to you. isn't it awesome to receive packages from melissa and emmitt!?!
hi salinger, laura and holden!
oh my goodness!
salinger you look perfect!
i LOVE all of the photos!
you have totally made my day little buddy!
m & e
S-Dog, that sweater looks GREAT! You's gonna be the best dressed pug at that football field! Melissa and Emmitt are so sweet - you's lucky to have a sweater from them!
Nice light switch thingies too!
Salinger, you always made us laugh... out loud... really loud! You say the things we really want to say!!!!!! Love the sweater and it sure does match the kid! IF hu-mom hadn't spent so much $$ on vet bills for Mack, I bet she'd order a sweater for me, too! I'll add it to my Christmas list!
Anywho, you really look handsome and the other pug goodies should make any human smile :).
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
You look pretty sweet in your new sweater vest. Sometimes I get embarrassed and can't look at the camera either!
Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
Oh Salinger you handsome devil. What a great surprise!!
Benny & Lily
Awwwwww....HAIL, YEAH!
You are rockin' that sweater, bud!
Salinger - we think you look great in your new vest!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Salinger you look stunning in your sweater vest! I loves mine sometimess I wear it all day and then sleeps in it to stay warms. Infact I have it on right nows!
The swtich plates are super cute we didn't know about these little gems!
Tuni the sweater vest loving pug
Hey Sal,
You look so striking in your new sweater. You are a real looker, young man & Melissa makes beautiful things for doggies & kitties! xoxo Diane
you look so strinkinly CUTE
in your sweater,,, or can I say BEAUTIFUL.
The colors look awsome on you!
Melissa is the best sweater vest maker ever, and of course it is made with love!
Hee hee hee! Looking good, Sal!
Hi Salinger!
Daisy and I love your sweater vest
from Melissa! You look very man sexy
in it.
We hope you have a great weekend!
-Dana & Daisy
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