My brother Holden and I will introduce you to this year's pumpkin lineup!

Holden painted this guy...scary unibrow pumpkin!!!!!

Holden designed AND carved this one ALL BY HIMSELF!!!! Wow...he didn't even cut himself or anything! Good job Holden!

Here is another Holden Masterpiece!!!! I tried to eat the tongue...it was made of Starbursts!!!!

This is mom's pumpkin. RAAAAATS!!!!!

This is MINE. It's my new pumpkin stuffie from my friend Mr. Claude and his daddy! He won't rot and doesn't require candles!!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!! Mom promises to share our Halloween pics tomorrow!
Hey, cool pumpkins, dude! I especially like the one with the knife in it! Of course your stuffie pumpkin is much more practical and will sure smell a whole lot better in a few days! Happy Howloween!
happy happy halloween to all of you!
we LOVE the pumpkins!
m 7 e
Cool punkins but we think yours is easier to play with Sal
Happee Halloween
Benny & Lily
Happy Halloweenie!
We're having a Halloween Parade at PetBlogsUnited.com if you want to check out a bunch of other pet bloggers in costumes!
Nubbin wiggles,
Happy Halloween Salinger and family! We love the pumpkins, but yours is one of the best!
Happy Hallowe'en! Great pumpkins! Holden did such a pawesome job on his! Have fun tonight!
What? No puking pumpkin? No, all jokes aside,I was scared todeath when I saw all those rats! Happy Halloween!
Those are some pretty cool pumpkins!!
Happy Halloween!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Happy Halloween. Great pumpkins. Holden is very creative. I really like the one with the knife in it.
Hey, bud......y'all gonna make pies? I mean sure.....Holden done a good job an' all, but I hope tuh GAWD yer not gonna waste 'em!
Did you get to gnaw on any of the pumpkin bits?? We recommend the stem - as good as a rawhide!!
Darth Brutus & Queen Carmen
Those are all great! But the scariest is the unibrow (shiver, shiver).
Happy Halloween!
Pearl & Daisy
Great job on all those pumpkins. I really like the one with the knife sticking out of it!
Hey S-Dog, your human brother did an AWESOME job on his pumpkins!
Lots of Licks
Oak and Swish
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