After the meetup at the park...The Pug Posse once again graciously opened their house to all puggies and their peeps for some foodables and fun! One hiccup this time...Poor Denny (Pug Posse Papa) was laid up in the HOSPITAL getting treated for some yuckiness in his knee! We hear he's on the mend, so that is GREAT news!
Here's Vikki (The Posse Mama) with some of the Posse in her lap

Hostess with the mostess!!!!
We walked in and THIS was the scene....

OMG House of PUG!
Mom ran some numbers (ha!) and she thinks that the max number of Pugs in the Posse's house at peak time was TWENTY NINE (yes...29) PUGS!!! Here's some of the pics we were able to get in between all the snuggling and eating!
THIS sweet guy's name is TUCKER and this was our first time meeting him! He's the Posse's newest addition.

Mom and Dad both wanted to take him home! He's so sweet and cuddly!
Here's Kelly (Pearl's Momma) snuggling another new Posse member...BELLA!!!

"Take some of this black PugFur back home to Pearl in OkieHoma OK?"
Punchy's daughter C. and Pugsley (not MY Pugsley....The Posse's Pugsley!) were bonding.

"What a nice ladyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Michele and Stubby

Stubby is saying "I all my days I have never seen so much PUG FOOLERY!!!"
Isn't this a perfect Christmas card pic of Hank and Molly and their peeps???

Hahaha...O'Mally's saying "AW HAAAAAIL HANKLIN...You promised we could watch Lawrence Welk tonight!!!"
As usual...Mom cheated on me with Pippin

Are you all seeing this jackassery??? He's lying on her tummy and she's all snuggly with him! Sheesh!!!!
Cindy (Yoda and Brutus' Mom) saw me standing there ALONE (while mom was cheating) and scooped me up

"THANK YOU for paying attention to me Auntie Cindy! Mom is busy playing with other Pugs and IGNORING ME!"
Here I am hanging with Mark (Claude's Daddy)

Claude doesn't have a bloggie yet, but we're working on it! Perhaps we need to start a petition?
Here I am with Aunt Jami (Apollo's Mom). She says I'm cute!

"See? SOME people appreciate me!"
Dad, Mom and Holden got a "family" pic taken....but do you notice anyone MISSING???

The PUG maybe???? HELLLLLOOOOOO????
Here's another pic (without ME). Be sure to CLICK HERE for some appropriate background music while viewing this picture!

It's Mom in between the "Twinners" (Pearl's Mom AND Sophie, Dixie and Harley's mom)
While I was off sulking in the corner, the peeps had some cake that mom made...

OMG...LOOK OUT! Stacy (Brutus and Miley's Mom) is TWO FISTING utensils for cake!

Hahaha...she's such a funny lady!!!! Mom says they are "kindered spirits" whatever that means!
After cake...we got the ULTIMATE BLOGGER PIC. Be sure to biggify and find your favorite blogger and maybe their Puggy!

Cindy blogs for Brutus and Yoda
Kelly (KJPugs) blogs for Sophie, Dixie and Harles
Stacy blogs for Brutus and Miley
Katy blogs for Those Elgin Pugs
Vikki blogs for The Pug Posse
Jess (in the front) blogs for Clover and Chewy
Michele blogs for Stubby
Lydia blogs for Maggie
Punchy (Deb) blogs for Pug Possessed
Kelly blogs for Pearl
Jami blogs for Apollo
Jessica (in the back) blogs for Lilo The Great Rock Eater
Sarah blogs for Hank and Molly O'Mally
The peeps started to notice how LATE it was getting when puggies started to crash. Just look at Miss Josie (of Those Elgin Pugs)!

Poor dear, she's cashed like a winning Lotto ticket!
Mom was too busy flapping her yap with everyone to notice how tired I was! I fell asleep on her LEG!

Thanks again to the Pug Posse Peeps (Vikki, Dennis and Sam) for hosting and for the great time! We hope Denny's knee continues to get better so he won't miss the NEXT big bash!
Happy Hump Day everyone!
thank you for taking all of these wonderful photos!
seeing you all together just made my whole day!
Wow, what a wonderful time you all must have had. Looks like the best puggy in home meetup ever!
Wow look at all those puggies. It's so awesome that all these puggies get to meet cuz of little ole blogs :)
Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
Is that MY momma, with SOME PUG WHO IS NOT ME on her lap?!?!
*steam comes out of Pearl's ears*
Good thing we didn't bring our five! That number would have jumped up and the Kiki monster would have created some more jumping up! We sure had a lot of fun and looking back at the photos makes you wonder why no one got stepped on?????
I want a cupcake.
Hey Sal - we had a great time! It was nice of our mom to hold you while your mom was cheating on you :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
You got lots of good memories on camera! My mom's camera died even before arriving in Indy. :(
And my mom wants me to tell you that she sooo wished she could have eaten some of those cupcakes and cake.
Where's Gus Gus?!?!?! Mom wants to know why there are no pictures of Gus!
We's still bummed about not being there, but we just hopes everybody will want to do this great big meetup again sometimes.
Glad everypuggie and person hads the fun!
Hey Sal!
It was great hanging out with ya again. Why is it you'll cuddle with my Mom but no one else's Mom? Oh wait - is it an Asian thing? BOL! I'm so disappointed I didn't get ahold of any of that CAKE! My Mom said it gave her a chocolate coma (?) and wished she had a giant glass of milk to wash all that yummyness down. Crazy how many Puggies and People there were! My neck is sore from trying to lick everyone. Good thing our next meet-up isn't for another month - I need time to recharge! See ya soon buddy!
- Apollo
(P.S. Harry and Lulu - check out my blog for a link to some great pics of Gus Gus at the Pug Posse Party. There's an awesome picture of him and Josie laying side by side with identical tongues sticking out. BOL!)
Heather (Harry and LuLu)
The blogger pic of ALL of us has GusGus in it for you!!! Look on Vikki's lap!!!! He has his tongue out for you and everything!
What a great meet up!
For the next meet should all come to my big farm home.
I bet it would hold 200 pugs or more.
Everyone can arrive in one of my bubbles.
Thank you for all these awsome photos,, it has been fun looking
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