UGLY? Who the hell are you calling UGLY???
I told mom to mail them a big DOSE of "ugly" in the form of a letter containing some harsh words and a nice juicy stool sample!!!
Discovery Communications
Viewer Relations
One Discovery Place
5th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Don't forget to have your hooman cough into the envelope before they seal it up!
Happy Hump Day!
Hey Salinger! I was outraged when I read your post. I'm going to send them some nice stinky poop, too. Tell your mom to post some brown eye pics on their FB page. That'll show them!
Stubby xoxo
Oh I am super growly mads at that show. What the dog gone heck...... I would like to see the person behind that one, I bet my dinner that they ain't no model star strutting the runways. Why is it always ugly peoples call us ugly? Oh they so deserve a letter or 50!
Handsome gorgeous pug angry Winston
Are you kidding me?! That is crap.
I am pissed, Sal. I'm currently bottling up some farts.
SalPuggy, this here is Howie takin the gray-hounddoggy bus to that there place. I'm storing up a few gallons of my special howie pee to share with um.
Oh no they ditn't! I says brachycephalic dogs unite!!!
We's gonna tell that Animal Planet a things or two about what's really ugly!
LuLu poots for one... just wait until they open our package!
Sal, buddy.....I can't believe my one good eye.
Fergit this Mosque thingy.....now I'm REALLY offended I tell ya what!!!
What they thinks we are ugly....oh no they are asking for it!!!
Pissed off Pugs,
They're just jealous of our good looks. Think about it - if they put us down then it makes them feel better about themselves. No worries - there are still plenty of peeps that look at us and smile and say how cute we are. :) But I'll still fully support your poop mail! I'll see if my Mommy will give me some corn on the cob with my peas and carrots. That way they get a nice colorful and fragrant one! :P
Oh this is bad, very bad!
Your pal, Pip
this is an outrage. i demand an immediate inquiry and it looks like sal will join me in recommending the immediate removal of the head ass in charge!
well that is some serious jackassery!!
Oh, ay, ay, oh, That sh*t is whacked!
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