I think I'm finally able to talk about it and share a few pics
***Mom's note*** Yes, I realize that looking at someone else's vacation photos are about as exciting as watching milk curdle, but I picked out a handful of faves just to share some of the fun we had (despite being pugless).
The peeps flew to Seattle and then drove straight to Ocean Shores, WA where Mimi and Pa rented a condo near the beach! This was Holden's FIRST trip to an ocean, so Mom captured the exact moment. Look at Pa smiling in the background!

His exact words were "WHOOOOOAH!"
Mom and Holden wanted to bring this guy home for me...but dad talked them out of it!

He said that he wouldn't smell very nice by the time we got back home!
Mimi and Pa took us a bit north to Olympic National Park to a beautiful place called Ruby Beach

The peeps spent the whole day just collecting stones, walking along the shore and just seeing things that they don't see at home. Those big islandy things in the background are called "sea stacks".
Mom searched all over the beach for Tweedles' friend, Puff! We didn't see him, but we did see some other friends that said they knew Tweedles.....

Starfish and some Sea Aenenome!
Uncle Scott (mom's brother) joined them back in Ocean Shores and the next day, they hiked all the way around Brown Point. Mom loves this picture of all of them....

That's Daddy, Pa, Mimi, Holden, Mom and Uncle Scott! All that's missing is ME!
The last day of their vacation was spent in Seattle, and they spent the entire day down on the waterfront and wandering around Pike's Place Market! You know...the place where they do THIS:
***MOM'S NOTE*** We didn't take this video...it's borrowed from YouTube. It was SO crowded, we couldn't even get close enough to see any fish tossing!!!
Mom found her "Mecca"! The original Starbucks!

I guess I wasn't COMPLETELY forgotten...because they found a cool store in the basement of Pike's Place called Animal Gifts and Collectibles where they found THESE:


The humans came back all sandy and had weird shells and things for me to sniff, and they PROMISED they'd take me with them next time!
We know the pain Salinger..look at th bright side, they were thinking about you by the looks of those puggy statues. Sure looks like fun
Benny & Lily
OMG!!! i totally wish i had known you were coming to seattle and ocean shores!! i live about 40 minutes south of seattle. you could have had pugs on the beach! i am glad you had a great time, the olympic national forest is so beautiful and our coast line is wonderful. i am happy that holden's first sighting of an ocean was here in washington!
maybe next time!
It looks so salty and we can smell the fresh ocean air from here!!! (Really it smells like cows hee hee). We haven't made it to the ocean yet here on the west coast.
The puggie figures look so funny! Glad they remembered you!
Sorry you got left behind, Sal. But the bright side of things is that you didn't have to worry about that crazy looking pinching leg critter coming after you. I'm glad that Holden got to finally see the ocean. My Mommy is very jealous cause she really wants to see the Pacific. She was told that it's very different than the Atlantic and the Gulf. That sure looks like a beautiful place. Very cool that they still somewhat had Pugs on their trip...very funny looking ones though. Oh well - maybe next time you'll get to go.
Hi Salinger
I am so happy that your peeps saw Star and the Sea Anomnes.
What a beautiful photo.
Thank you so much for sharing that photo. Now my heart feels comforted that Star is okay.
Oh I wish you could have put your little paws into the sand of our Pacific Ocean too. I am happy for Holden.
Did he tell you how the ocean roared like a lion?
Did he tell you about the sea salt on his lips?
Did the breeze tossle his hair?
Did he tell you how the air smelled so oceany?
Yes our ocean is very emotional, and were so glad your peoples got to come.
Ah, the original Starbucks! Now that, Salinger, is a good reason for your mom and dad and Holden to be traveling (okay, they could have taken you with to go to Starbucks!). The only 'original' I've been to is the original Tim Horton's, in Hamilton. That ocean is really awesome -- just think how much Salinger would have enjoyed that (do you think she'll feel guilty about leaving you behind, dude?) Glad they were at least thinking about you, Sal. :)
Hi Salinger! Your peeps are always doing fun stuff without you. I think you should put up a big stink next time they try to leave you so they'll take you with.
I finally saw the Pacific Ocean last week and it was awesome. I didn't see any of Tweedles friends but now I know why. I'm so glad your peeps had such a great time and I hope they brought back some foodables for you.
Stubby xoxo
hi s- dog!
oh what a fabulous vacation your family had!
we loved seeing all of the photos!
m & e
Wow, bud. Now that IS reason tuh be jealous.
Yep, that nice family pitcher just needs you - then it'll be perfect.
Pee S: My mom keeps sayin' she's gonna take me an' O'Mally tuh Acadia National Park. Wanna go?
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