"Come on lady! Step on it!!!! We can't be late for my audition!!!!"
Mom stopped and picked up Aunt Kelly on the way...

She agreed to be my personal assistant today!
We arrived at the Indy Home Show and were escorted to the stage where WISH TV (our local CBS station) was holding the auditions!

Mom and I didn't even have time to be nervous! They announced that we were up RIGHT AWAY!

We got to meet Dick Wolfsie from WISH TV!
Mom got her props (neck bib/magazine)ready and assumed the "Dental patient" position...

I gave her a pretty good dental cleaning, once facing the camera and then again with my PugButt to the camera!!! HAHAHAAHA!
THEN....Mr. Wolfsie asked if I just cleaned MOM'S teeth or if he would give him a cleaning too! HAHAHAHA! He asked for it!

Mom put the dental bib thing around HIS neck....

Then I cleaned his teeth TOO!!!!
We aren't sure exactly how stiff the competition was. We only stayed around to watch two other contestants....
This Boxer (who should have been wearing PANTS!) chewed the lid off of a Mountain Dew bottle and then dumped it all over the floor and licked it up (laaaaame)

This little Papillion/Shih Tzu mix (Pap Shiht?) stood on a little carpet and did sort of a scratchy Moonwalk kind of thing. He was VERRRY tiny and very cute!

It was pretty crowded, so we decided to leave so we could drop Aunt Kelly (who was a FABULOUS personal assistant today!) at home and then Mom took me to McD's for a nice big fat, juicy REWARD...

MMMMMMM!!!!! I'll clean ANYONE'S teeth for a McCheesyBurger!!!!!
The WISH people told us that the audition tape actually gets sent to Mr. Letterman and his staff and THEY will watch them all and then decide who they would like to have on the show.

We have NO IDEA how long this will take, but we are crossing everything and promise to keep everyone posted if we hear anything from them!!!!
OOOO Salinger!!!
I know you are the BEST:) They should for sure pick you!!! It sounds like yuo did a PUGTASTIC job.
oh my gosh salinger!
you are going to be on letterman! i can feel it!
great job today and a mccheezy burger too? wow! you have the best mom in the world!
Good Job Salinger! We are rooting for ya!!!!
Penny and I hope you get the
gig! Here I thought Penny was
getting the treatment with the
whipped cream. Salinger gets
whole burgers! I need to
step up my game.
Hope you have a great week!
-Dana & Penny
Good luck we'll keep our paws crossed!
We've got all our paws crossed for you big guy!
Salinger, there in the beginning I was worried your Aunt Kelly was going to eat you! I am so happy that your audition went well! I hope that they call you back!
P.S. If you're going to be famous, you may have lay off the McCheesyburgers. I hear you have to watch your waistline when you're famous! That wouldn't stop me, though!
I want to believe that the moment that Wolfsie person got on his back, the deal was sealed. Unfortunately, I know enough about show business to know that... you need to sign the deal with something other than slobber. Way to get that treat in the end, Salinger. You had to clean your breath too.
Good luck! McCheesyburger yummy!!
Sal! We're totally excited for you. The other tricks you tolds us about are really LAME! Remember what we said about keeping an eye on your mom while she's around Letterman's one eyed wille.
Okay, so Sal... EWWW! How could you stick your tongue in some strange dudes mouth? I can understands if it was a cute chick, but a dude? Sal. I thinks I gotta call Hank so he can come over there and have a come to Jesus talk with ya. I'd come ova and do it myself if I didn't live so far away in the land of fruits n' dingies.
Keep your tongue to yourself!
Glad to hear you performed well under pressure!! I can see it now - you'll be cleaning Mr. Letterman's teeth soon!! Great job, Salinger!! How was that juicy burger?? I'm drooling just thinking about it!!!
Brutus the Frenchie
how exciting!!! i think you should be the definite winner. we will keep our paws crossed for you!
Way to go Salinger! You will be on Letterman before you know it!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
That is soooo cool, Salinger. Just promise to remember us little pugs when you hit fame and fortune.
omg that would be so awesome!!! :)
my fingers are crossed!
McD's mmmmmmmm! You looks great with the audtion and we are crossing all our paws for you!
Best of luck, Salinger- either way, you're a SUPERSTAR!!!!!
Godd luck, Good Luck , Good Luck! We are crossing our fingers (oand our paws) for you! -Arlo
Salinger could we have your pawtograph?
Benny & Lily
Sal, buddy....me an' mom an' O'Mally are just about tuh BURST with pride. Ya done good, buddy!
Pee S: Sooooo.....how WERE Dick Wolfsie's teeth???? Mom's dyin' tuh know!!!
Good job, S-Dog! We's rooting for you!
(Um, can you get your Mom to talks to my Mom about rewarding ME with McCheeseyburgers?)
were crossing our paws that you WIN!
And then more burgers for the reward.
Great job Salinger! I hope we'll get to see you clean Mr. Letterman's teeth too!
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