Mom went to school and sat in the Parent Peanut Gallery to watch.

Holden is front and striped rugby shirt and khaki pants! WHOOHOO!
This is kind of dark...but here he is taking his place at the mic!

Holden made it down to the FINAL FOUR and then had to sit down after missing "solemn"

He's showing how many kids went out ahead of him (ten).
In said she probably would have had to run the spell checker over "solemn" too! GOOD JOB HOLDEN!!!!
Since they have this idiotic rule about NO PUGS at school...I had my own spelling bee here at home in front of the fridge.

Ok, I've spelled it out for MAKE MY DINNER MOM!
Happy Hump Day!!!!
oh congratulations holden!
how wonderful!
we love you guys!
m & e
Holden is the smartest!! YAAYYY!!!
Sal, I am with ya buddy. Momma has this rule about not feeding me my fudz until 6pm every night. I WANT MY FUDZ NOWWWW!!!
Did you go to skoohl to learn how to speel so gud, Salinger?? These humans and their stoopid rulz!! Fudz don't come until 6 here either. Wait a minute... It's 6:01 - what's the hold-up??
Brutus the Frenchie
Oh, and Congrats, Holden!!
Salinger, dude! What's up with them not letting you into Holden's spellinz B. I's glad you showed me hows to spell fudz. I sure knows whats it is, but has no idea about this spellinz thing. And Holden did a fantastics job!
"I had you big time"
Congratulations to Holden!
I like your spelling, Salinger!
WAY TO GO HOLDEN!!! We are proud of you:)
When I think of you Salinger, I spell L O V E!!!
I Love you man!!!
Congrads to Holden! And we thinks fudz its spelleds rites!
hooray for holden! that is awesome! spelling is the greatest tool. i bet he's a reader too, that really helps with spelling.
congrats, holden!
Good job. You are a good spelling coach Salinger.
Benny & Lily
Congratulations Holden!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
New word for you, Salinger: s-t-e-a-k-s (don't forget the s in the end)
Congrats to Holden :)
Hey, special C A L I F O R N I A shout out to Holden!!!
And that's pronounced 'cal-eeee-four-nia', Yeah.
Sal, what's the deal with ya not being allowed at the spellin' bee? Ain't cha mom got a big ass purse to sneak ya in? As if..
Congratz, Holden, that was a great job!
Roxy & Lucky
Yay Holden!!!
Haha good job Salinger.. did she feed you?
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