We heard some not so great news the other day from our good pal Harry and LuLu and their mom Heather. Their beloved Midi T. Kitty crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Monday.

Here is a rare pic of Harry and Midi sort of snuggling!
Go visit Harry's Blog and show some love if you haven't already...ok? Sweet Midi was almost 15 and she will be very missed.
NOW...to make all of you smile...we have a little something to share...
Mom's good friend Kyle (yeah, we agree...she REALLY needs to do more blogging!) sent this video to us. At first when mom saw the title, she got all mad thinking it was some kind of Michael Vick jackassery....
THEN we laughed! (Biggify to get the full effect)
SO accurate!
Happy Thursday everyone!!!
Man, that fight sure was vicious. Hope PETA doesn't find there way over here (BOL!). I got to hang with a fellow Frenchie yesterday, and I must say we are a little more, um.... active! Lots of "boxing" with front feets, each of us trying to stand on top of the other! ALl in good fun though (and with LOTS of snorting)
Brutus the Frenchie
Hey Sal,
That ain't a fair fight! I mean sometimes I yawn just to stretch my jaw before I take a bite outta Stella's neck fat...
wurd verification;
We are really upset about Miss Midi, too. :(
That video was great!!!! Vicious fighters!!!!! I was waiting for one of them to fall asleep!!
BOL! We sure can use the smiles with all the sadness lately.
Thanks for making us laugh, S-Dog. You's such a good friend. We's wondering if non-pug peoples would find that as funny as we do.
Thanks for all the sweet words about our Midi Kitty. She will be missed.
I'm very sorry to hear about your furiend, Midi. Another furiend to put on my list to visit later.
The video was very cute. Glad you ended on a happy note, thanks
Hahahah that was a hilarious video! It looks just like one of my Pops' video games!
It's sad to hear about your friend though. I'll go and drop a message there.
oh my gosh!
that is too funny!
that ie emmitt with a bow on his head!
You pugs are so viscious! We greyhounds just have sleep offs!
Tell your Happy birfdays for us!!!!
Hi Salinger!
Penny and I are stopping by to wish
your mom a Happy Birthday!
We hope it was filled
with pug kisses and
a lot of cake!
-Dana & Penny
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