We had these neighbors across the street (mommy called them rednecks and other bad words) that moved away and now their house is for sale and empty. Mommy was glad that they moved because they weren't very smart people and their little kids used to wander over to our house in their DIAPERS to play with me! YIKES! They also had a puffy white dog that was always escaping from their house (can't blame him!) and then they would leave him outside in the backyard in the rain so he would bark ALLLLLLLL day! SO...they moved away and now they're trying to sell their house. The problem is that no one has mowed the lawn at their house for a long long time and it was getting really weedy and ugly looking. Mommy meant to get a "before" picture, but you can just imagine...foot tall weeds. Here is a picture of me chewing one of them. It was just ridiculous.

Just LOOK at the size of this thing!
SO...on Sunday, some of the other neighbors and mommy and daddy were outside talking about how bad the redneck people's yard looked and how they were tired of waiting for the Homeowners' Association to do it, so Daddy said he'd had enough of this foolishness and decided to do it himself! He rolled the lawn mower over there and was all grumbly and did something to make the wheels down low and then he mowed it while Mommy and I pulled weeds up near the house. When he was finished, Mommy was laughing because she said it looked like scorched Earth!!! Daddy SCALPED THE LAWN!

Daddy...the redneck's lawn is BALD!
Even our other neighbor (Mandy the Weiner Dog's mom) laughed and said that Daddy wasn't F#$@ING AROUND when he mowed that lawn!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA I think all that tall grass must have become a house for BUGS because there were a TON of them tonight while I was out walking. Check me out being all CRAAAAAZY!

SO...make sure you keep your lawns mowed, or Daddy and I will be coming to GET you!

(hahaha...Daddy is crazy!)
hahaha - all those pictures show the true insanity of suburbia - mwhahaha - get 'em!
I love your crazy eyes, Salinger. Your pictures always make me laugh.
hahaha omg I am those people!! when we moved into our rental, the lawn hadn't been mowed in months, so we moved in, borrowed a lawn mower and fixed it. well the hubby goes out of town and i have no mower but 2 foot dandilions and knee high grass! i had some stranger comment on it to me, and she didn't even live there!! we have a mower now, i just need a weedwacker! lol will your dad come to my place?
That was super nice of your dad to mow that lawn! This means that good hoomans will buy and they'll have a Pug, right?! Our paws are crossed that this becomes true! Let us know, okay?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That is very funny. Personally mom thinks your dad did a good thing. They would never sell the house with the lawn like that. We had neighbors that we called "white trash". They had 6 kids and 11 cats and they were all running around in the 44 degree rainy weather, the youngest in a bathing suit. (It was March in NH!) They are gone now, and mom is really really happy.
HAHAHA! We LOVE your daddy. We have a bug(g) problem here too, if you know what I mean! We are glad your neighbors moved! And I miss you tons Sexy Salinger!!!!!!
toooooo funny!
i think that is great that you just took care of what was bothering you. now it will look trim for quite awhile!
have a great weekend!
m& e
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