By now we're sure most of you have heard that one of our very dear dear puggy friends, Molly O'Mally Strain went to the Rainbow Bridge while dreaming away on Sunday morning.

Molly O'Mally Strain August 16, 1997 - June 26, 2011
We'll miss you sweet girl!
As you all know, Molly was QUITE the character and we realized that most of the things that remind us of Molly also start with the letter M!

First off....MATLOCK! Molly's favorite TV show!
We hear she also liked "Murder She Wrote", but mom couldn't find it.
MCL Cafeteria....Molly's favorite restaurant!
Mom and Holden met Molly's mom and dad at MCL the other night for dinner (at 3pm in true O'Mally fashion!) and a toast to sweet O'Mally
"The song is ended, but the melody lingers on"...Here's to a true Grande Dame Pug, Molly O'Mally!!! Cheers!
Naturally, after dinner comes another favorite Molly word....METAMUCIL!
Yeah's the generic stuff....but you get the idea! It all does the same thing!
M is also for one of MY favorite things that I shared one day with Hank and O'Mally....
M is for MOUTH.....CRIMINY that old bird could yap the bark off a tree!

Mom always said that O'Mally was yammering about her damn-no-good-fer-nothin' grandkids that never called or wrote, the lazy meter readers and blasted neighbor kids or anyone else that wouldn't stay the hell off her lawn. She used to let everyone know when the early bird special at MCL was about to start and when it was time to go to the beauty parlor or CVS to pick up her meds. Whatever it was, we're going to miss Aunt Sarah always yelling "CLAM UP, O'MALLY!!!!"
Another important M stands for "Moses Pa Pa Pomeroy"
CLICK HERE to read the entire sordid tale! (cue banjo music!)

This is NOT an actual photo of Molly's DaddyGrampa, but we have to imagine he had a mullet like this!
We leave you with hopefully a smile and a video (or "vidyuh" as Hank would say!) of Molly O'Mally's namesake in action......
Thanks for letting us love on you during your time here with all of us, Molly! We miss you, but will always look back on your life with a smile! We'll always laugh imagining you on the other side of the bridge in your red pants kicking, stretching and kicking and chowing down on all the MCL you can handle!