This blog post contains the obnoxious rantings of a very proud to the point of bragging parent. Mom can't control herself, so if you find this type of ranting to be too much...just skip reading today!
Hi everyone and happy Thursday! Last night was Holden's SIXTH GRADE HONORS NIGHT and he made us all so proud!!!

Here he is with proud Mom (OMG...she had HEELS on too!)
The entire sixth grade was honored for all of their achievements...academic, artistic, athletic, attendance and citizenship!

Do you see Holden in the white shirt and tie? This was the presentation of the Jr. Beta awards.
Here is Holden posing with his teacher, Miss Schellinger!

She has been such a GREAT teacher for Holden because she really challenged him this year and made him WORK for his good grades. PERFECT prep for Middle School next year! She also made learning a lot of fun for the whole class and Holden has declared that she is his new "alltime favorite teacher"! Wow...that's a big honor!
Here is Holden posing with some of his "besties"....

You've already met Seth (he's Maggie's human brother) and then there's Parker, who he's been friends with since first grade!
Here he is with his buddy, Kain

CONGRATS to all of you gentlemen!
All in all...Holden brought home the following honors:
President's Outstanding Academic Achievement Award (signed by President Obama!),
Band Award for participating in the Middle School band program (he made the HONORS BAND for next year too!),
Athletic Award for participation on the school Basketball Team,
Academic Spell Bowl Award,
and an award for his membership in Jr. Beta

I got to personally kiss/congratulate Holden when he got home (stoooopid "no dogs in school" rule again!).
WAY TO GO HOLDEN!!!! We're SO SO SO PROUD of you!!!!
Congrats Holden. You're mom has every right to be VERY proud of you. I really liked the fact that you wore a tie. I certainly speaks to your character. I think there are big things in store for you. Keep up the great work.
Great job, kiddo! You're a great representative of the two-legged kind. :)
Give Holden a "Well done" pat. Tell him to keep up the hard work, that all his hard work will definitely pay off down the road.
Why can't well behaved dogs like the S-dog go to school? My grandparents used to tell me that they walked with their humans to and from school 4 miles up hill in the snow! What has changed? Stupid rules!!!!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
You have the bestest, smartest brother ever! Congrats to him! I bet you helped him earn all those awards!
Wow Sal, you must be very proud of your bro. If I could have one like Holden, I would totally have a human sibling.
woohoohoo!!! that is an excellent array of awards! congratulations to holden for a job well done!
and also to the rest of the family for raising such a great young man. :o)
Congratulations Holden keep up the good work. Hope you patted yourself on the back for a job well done.
Benny & Lily
you and your mom make us happy because your so proud of Holden!!
Yeaaa Holden!
A huge congrads to Holden!!!
I just may have to put a disclaimer by the bumper sticker at the end of my blog after reading this! Way to go Holden!!
Fantastic! That sure is something to brag about. Now, for your next project, Holden, see about doing something about that 'no dogs in school' rule!
WhooHoo Holden!
-Dana & Daisy
Brag on, Proud Mom, it is your duty to report awesomness. Watch mine be the one who beats up other kids..Ha.
Muchas Felcidades Macho Holden!!!
Sal he probably get his smarts from you!!
Spongy & Licky
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